Updates and stoof

So this blog is a bunch of stuff. If you don't care about my life that doesn't exist, just skip right on ahaed to the squiggle line thingy.


First of all, I might be going to a private school, which means, I can learn something for once. Bad part about that is, I'll probably have to put off getting a laptop even farther. Which . I also want to stay with my few friends because they're the only people I physically talk to.. The school program I'm in is terrible and all the teaches at my school hate me (except three.) I'm ignored by most of them now. So, Yay! Private school! Boo everything else

Also, I might finally get off my lazy and start dancing.... maybe. I've wanted to for a long time but let me tell you, the dance schools in my city all . At one, the teacher slapped one of the students. I wasn't there to witness it, but the other people in my class were... A lot of other teachers don't actually know how to teach either.. Then the ones that do all have super small dance rooms. So dance=probably not

​Also, I'm getting bored with doing nothing on the internet so I'll probably start actually updating for once. *cough* allmystorieshavelikeonechapter *cough*

******​I also have to mention that I'm taller than L.Joe now.... by 1cm. I'M TOO EFFING TALL *sinks into the ground*\




My otp of the hour is Myungsoo x superman costume

They're so cute together


*is too lazy to put pictures

It's 6:10 am. Gimme a break.


Now go join this roleplay because I told you to.



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Don't go to a private school.
This has gotten out of hand.
You need to do things you don't want to. Wonder why all the teachers 'hate' you? It's cause you don't do anything, and no matter what they try, you say it's stupid and boring. The whole world is like that, boring, and you gotta do 'stupid' stuff.

I'm not even kidding, I personally think you're ____ed for school. You guys think that everything is easy cause you're smart, well it's not, you're not getting high marks, and it's not cause you're stupid, it's because you do squat.

Your teachers at your school, they're actually great.

I'm not even kidding, your opera singing teacher, that's cool she does that, it makes her smart, why? Because it's a good strategy.

You guys need to learn to get along with 'stupid' people, because that's what the whole world consists of. You guys need to get on schedule, do you know how unhealthy it is? It's been scientifically proven to be unhealthy to stay up all night and sleep all day.
Wait, proven by people smarter than you. So listen to them for ____s sake.

My brother, you know he's smart, he was slacking off for a week or 2 cause of personal reasons, well now he's struggling to even pass.

You think you guys can go anywhere without work? ____ that. Impossible. You need to get off your sorry , stop manipulating your awesome mom who just wants to help, and stop wasting your parents money.

I don't care if you don't like kids or animals, I swear to god if you don't pay for your own laptop, I'll kill you. You want something, WORK FOR IT

You say you do things cause other people do it. Well that's what the people you call stupid say when they do whatever stuff they do.
You guys talk about how the ____s in your school wear short clothes, mine does that too. But that's not all. You guys wear some pretty short stuff too.

I think you need to get a life. A real one cause your life is pathetic now. Sitting at a computer doing nothing, it's not cool.

Lets imagine you guys went to Korea, you're once again, ____ed. Why? Because they work hard, they're active, and they don't sit at a computer all day. You may THINK when you go (if, you need to have high marks to go on an exchange) you'll be magically motivated to work, ummmm, no. Not gonna happy, sars brah.

The school program isn't even that bad, it's just catered to stupid people. And the gifted program, it's better than nothing. You guys think Cananda is bad, ____ YOU Canada is actually a great country, the US is going into a depression, Canada is one of the best countries to live in.

It doesn't even have a horrible culture, you take all the good things and make it bad. Look at Ghana, you guys are so selfish, you guys are so lucky, and you ignore it and say it's all bad.
I know you guys think I lie a lot, but I don't, I lie to protect things and to make it easier for someone else. You guys lie about stupid stuff.

Abbo, she should walk her dogs properly cause they're her dogs, even Zeke because her mom pays for everything, she does so much for her, and Abbi should be doing back flips for her mom. You too drinn, if your mom asks you to wash the fish tank, get up that moment and CLEAN IT. You owe it to her. You don't deserve what they give you.