love pill application - "ew noona & dongsaeng relationships."

l o v e  p i l l



username ♡ Fictionpeeps

profile link ♡ BoomShakalaka!

character name ♡ Han Nae Ya

nicknames ♡ Choding - She acts like a kid most of the time so her friends always call her by that name

ethnicity ♡ Full Korean

birthdate ♡ December 17, 1992

age ♡ 20


school major ♡ Culinary Arts

part time jobs ♡ She works as a part timer at her friend's cafe in Seoul

name of college  Le Cordon Bleu - Sookmyung Academy


personality ♡ 

Not all college students are mature. Nae Ya is one of those immature college students. Nae Ya is a clueless like most of the time and she is pretty much a blur person. She is very slow at catching up with things especially jokes. It might be cute at first but sooner or later it will become very annoying. She is easily distracted especially when doing tasks. She finds almost everything interesting and just abandons her tasks right away that make her gets into trouble lots of time well if she is not distracted she always gets into troubles anyway because she is naturally clumsy. Nae Ya does talk a lot, she just throws out everything that’s on her mind which is totally nonsense sometimes. She just happens to be really loud. She can’t even shut for one freaking minute. Most of her actions are done without thinking and she’ll regret later. Nae Ya is very powerful when it comes to arguing with people so she always is confidence when it comes to winning in arguments. Nae Ya’s stupid side will show when she is in her competitive mode or being indenial about something, she'll keep on boasting about herself or whatever she is good at but end up humiliating herself. She might be a good at arguing but bad at explaining.

Nae Ya is very obvious in showing emotions. You can see everything right through her and you'll know what she is feeling at that moment. Nae Ya is always open about everything and she is never awkward with people but this bright side of her sometimes makes her an easy target of bullying. She is quite a perfectionist but it depends on her mood actually. She is random most of the time. Nae Ya is very caring and warm towards people that she is close with. She is not scared in showing her love by skinship. Although she looks friendly, it took quite some times to get close with her and she is easily annoyed if someone is rushing to be friends with her. She hates that. Whenever Nae Ya is annoyed, she is not afraid to curse and call people by names and make them feel insulted. It's really hard to see Nae Ya gets mad, but if she does, a lot of hitting, biting, cursing will involved and you do not want to see that happen.

Nae Ya has this bad habit of getting away when she was asked to do chores or when she makes mistakes. Her brain is full with ideas so she can come up with thousand of excuses and sometimes it does work. Other than that she is totally forgetful. If you happen to give her rules to obey, she will break it somehow xD Everything goes her own way. When you point out her wrongs and mistakes, she'll defend herself until the end and she wont admit her mistakes.

Another thing that you should know about her is she is scared to fall in love but never gets tired of it. So whenever she fall in love, she believe in that person right away and always be by his side. She is very caring and romantic towards her boyfriend and she'll never betray him. Nae Ya's heart is very fragile and she always is confuse when it comes to love. She also has this bad habit in relationship which is overload jealousy. You can't imagine what a fool when she is being jealous.


likes ♡ 
* Animals
* Taking pictures
* Amusement Park / Water Themed Park
* Games that involve punishments
* Knitting (she is not good at it xD)
* McDonalds
* Sports
* Boots and Uggs
* Skinship
* Cheesy couple stuff (like couple t's, or so)

dislikes ♡ 
* Bugs
* Vegetables
* Medicines
* Hospital
* Aegyos
* Injections
* Smoking / Drinking
* Ghost stories
* Darkness
* Being compared to anyone

hobbies ♡ 
* Cooking and baking
* Travelling
* Collecting polaroid pictures
* Knitting stuff (she never succeded in this though)
* Watch dramas and spazzzz xD

habits ♡ 
* When she is lying, she'll stutters and will sweat a lot
* Hiccupping when she is nervous
* Uses skinship to get whatever she wants
* When she is happy, she'll keep on hugging people
* Whenever Nae Ya feels tired or sleepy she will splash herself with water just to stay up
* Hide from people whenever she wants to cry
* Nae Ya will hit people when she is mad
* When she feels heart broken and she wanted to stop crying, she'll start counting numbers
* Sleeps with lots of pillows and bears. That makes her comfortable
* Doze off or daydreaming when she is totally bored
* Use her Daegu dialect when she is really tired


family background ♡ 
She was born in Daegu, Korea to an average Korean parents. She is an only child. Her parents had started the food bussiness ever since she was born so she grew up with food around her and her parents are just awesome in cooking. They had opened up a restaurant. Nae Ya had been interested in cooking and baking since she was a kid and of course she just LOVE eating. She used to be an obese child because she eats too much and she had to go back and forth into the hospital. Her parents was worried about her so they had to make her go on diet which she hates it so much but she get used to it after a few years. 

Since Nae Ya is an only child, she is spoiled by her parents and family. That explains how she is acting today. Spoil, immature and all. She loves getting all the attentions from them and loved being spoil. She gets jealous when her cousins get more attention than her. Her family bonding is super strong and they treat each other just like friends. Her parents always support her especially when she said that she wanted to be a chef. They sent her to Seoul to live with her aunt in Seoul.

When it comes to relationship, Nae Ya kept on failing in it. The longest relationship that she has ever been into was 1 year and that's it. She always wanted to feel happy like those couple out there but she just can't. Her heart kept on hurting everytime there's a break up. She always be the one that being dumped but she never did give up on love.


appearance ♡ Yoo Hyeon Jin

style ♡ 
Casual - One Two Three
** She loves to wear something that is very comfy which means no heels, no blings and no accessories at all. She sometimes will complete her outfit by slippers, uggs or sandals. Nae Ya sometimes wear beanies or snowcap.

Formal - One Two Three
** For dates or meetings. She will put on some make up and get her hair done. She'll only wear heels when she feels like it. 

Housewear - One Two Three
** Nae Ya doesn't really care about what she's wearing at home. But she love fuzzy slippers so she wears them all the time.

College outfit - One Two Three
** She always pick outfits that can make her move freely and of course no accesories. 

height ♡ 165 cm

extras ♡ None. She is afraid of needles xD


your heart breaker ♡ 
Cho Kyuhyun

his job ♡ Professional photographer and a part time model

his new girlfriend ♡ 
Park Jiyeon

how she acts to you ♡  
One thing for sure. She doesn't act like her age. She is very mature. Jiyeon is the perfect candidate for a perfect girlfriend and she knows that so she always underestimate Nae Ya. Jiyeon just love making Nae Ya feel bothered, jealous and heartbroken. They are really like cats and dogs. They'll fight everytime they meet each other. Nae Ya knows that she can never be better than Jiyeon.


your annoying highschooler ♡ 
EXO Kim Jong In (Kai)

JJ PROJECT Park Jinyoung (JR)

his age ♡ 18

his personality ♡ 
He is somewhat a naughty and wild kid that is curious towards everything around him. Very playful and never is serious about everything. Has sense of humor and his smile can make every single person around him smile. Like every younger guys, he is full with aegyos and charms so sometimes he'll use that to get whatever he wants. He can be stubborn sometimes, he is very competitive about everything he does. He also has this selfish side of him which is whatever his is his. Although he is young, he knows how to be a gentleman but of course towards the girl he likes. When he likes someone, he'll never let that girl go until she is his. 

your relationship 
Being a choding doesn't mean that needs to be in the same level as he is. She always wanted to look like a real woman especially after her break up with Kyuhyun. Whenever she tried to be a woman, he always bring the childish and immature side of her once again. To Nae Ya, he is an obstacle that creates a burden in her life. On the other side, the boy fell for Nae Ya because of her choding personality. It seems like she can understand him even though she is older than him. It makes him feel comfortable and happy to be around her. 


his handsome older brother ♡ 
INFINITE Kim Myungsoo (L)

SHINEE Kim Jonghyun

his age ♡ 22

his personality ♡ 
He is very mature in terms of personality. Very serious about living his life well and he knows what he is doing. You can say that he is a workaholic and he is hella smart in studying. He is also a gentleman, he knows how to treat ladies and make them feel at ease. Funny and have lots of charms. He is a boyfriend material indeed. He is smart, good looking and a gentleman. He might be a bit cold towards people at first especially towards people that he thinks he can't click well but when you get to know him, he is just plain adorable. When it comes to love, he doesn't take it seriously, that is his flaw but when he does love that someone truly, he'll protect her until the end.

your relationship ♡ 
Nae Ya had been eye-ing on him because he is close to her ideal type of guy but only lacking here a bit and there. She is very curious about him and wanted to know more about him. Nae Ya feels like he can be a good boyfriend towards her so he'll try to flirt with him everytime she get the chance. Nae Ya and his younger brother is doing the same thing which is chasing the people he likes and beg them to fall for you. On the other hand, he only accept Nae Ya as a younger sister plus she is not his type. But as time passes by, he is starting to fall for her charms and began to like her. But he is confused with his feelings.

who do you end up with ♡ 
I can't choose. lol 
It'll be better if you choose the ending for me :D


trivia ♡ 
* Her blood type is B
* Her favourite colour is Yellow
* She is awkward at using chopstick
* Very dumb at using technologies
* She can play piano
* Own 3 dogs and 3 cats
* Allergic to Kimchi
* An only child
* She is left handed
* Her ideal date will be at the amusement park/water themed park

extra/comments/requests ♡ 
Nope! :D I know that you'll be an awesome writer ;D
Oh and like seriously idk who should i end up with, it will be much awesomer if you choose the ending for me
but if you want me to choose one, just tell me okay :D



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