Here terrified right out my mind.

Im like shaking a bit as im typng ohmg . I think someone got shot but im to scared to look out my window .... me and my sister were just in the living room with the lights closed watched boys over flower on netflix. Also it may be a drive by since i heard the car drive away fast. Omg scuurreddd fo lyfe. I hate livining in the back of the apartments so much .... DDDDDD. ; I CANT SLEEP


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AznJSx #1
@yoseobbias i heard it because the volume wasnt that loud and it was close by also... police cars came,helicopters everywhere ambulance. Omg i havent slept yet im in the closet with the sisters and the adults are right outside the door D;. But its 11am and we're all fine ..<br />
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@kimxbb thank you , everything is fine and im okay and everyone here but i havent slept yet .
dame scary shizz. :( wait but how do you know did you hear a loud sound?