#SiHaeInManila (Blog 2) I JUST CAN'T GET ENOUGH asdfghjkl! ;A;


Ok so, the internet is pissing me off. And photobucket is really making me go gaga.

So far, the photos uploaded are ones who are crappy. Great.

But YouTube is slowly cooperating. :)) Yay!

I made an upside down Pyramid.






Here's what I said about a cute banner saying,  “There’s so many fish in the sea, but there’s only 1 Donghae for me.”



Sweet, right? <3 :DD


Here's the video I uploaded:




And a video which is much more better and features Hae's cute, "Namimiss kita." (His pronounciation was so cute. "Na-mi-mi-seu kit-ta." <3)

And Siwon's sweet, "'l'll always pray for you guys, okay?" <3




Hihihi. :">  

View my other blog for more SiHaeInManila. :DD



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Hae's namimiss kita LOL!!!
his pronounciation is soo cute...