Application for -- the future is yours ✌ --

[Once upon a time...]

- welcome to hell

username: elf_verl
link: Like This?
how ually active are you in aff?: 9

- hey i just met you  

name: An Yonni
cute nicknames: Matcha-Cat

ethnicity: 100% Korean
happy birthday to you, i hope you drown in a pool: 13th Nov
age: 20 years old
birthplace: Korea
hometown: Incheon, South Korea]

- plot twist

pls pick two. label your bakcup as "backup choice" or something like that please.

"Once upon a time..." (1st Choice)

         what was your dream that got crushed into pieces?: Yonni wanted to become a world class ballet dancer
         why was your dream crushed?: A dancing accident that caused her to hurt her spine and feet, leaving her not being able to dance anymore as she cannot over exert her spine. She is only able to walk around, and if she stands for a long period, her spine will start hurting.

" no is not the answer. " (Back-up)

         why was your house fuq'd up?: Her friends rented out the extra room in her house without her permission, and when she came home, the new tenant had already settled in. Worse still, the new tenant had a one-year tenant contract signed with her friends.

- all about you gurlfrand ex0ex0

personality: Yonni is what one would call a social butterfly. She is always with her friends, and cannot stand being alone. She tries her best to please everyone around her. That means that she will follow the whims and wishes of her parents most of the time. Even among her friends, she is being pushed around. Even though she can survive well without her friends, she tend to give in to them, and allow them to go far without getting into trouble with her.

She is also rather innocent and soft-spoken, so she tend to think the best of others. Which is the main reason why she is often pushed around by her friends and the people around her. She believed that by keeping peace, she will be able to lead a calm, pleassant life, thus she never says no.

likes: Cats, Horror movies, Being with her friends, Singing, Writing, Playing with animals, Photography, Pink and white, Laces and Ribbons, Soft Toys, Funny people, Talking, Paranormal Stuff.
dislikes: Bitter Food, Disappointing other people, Making Decisions

habits: She brings a camera with her everywhere she goes, Arranging things in order, Playing with her hair, Biting her lips.
hobbies: Taking walks, Shopping, Volunteering her time at animal shelters, going for musicals
trivia: She has a phobia of butterflies. She likes collecting things. When alone, she will feel very jittery and insecure. She likes to decorate things.

- that's what makes you beautiful

ulzzang: Do Hwe Ji
backup: Kim Yoon Jung
Casual 1 | Casual 2  | Formal 1  | Formal 2  | Freechoice 1  | Freechoice 2
extra: She loves to wear long dangling earrings and bling bling accessories.

- good gull gone bad

background: She comes from a middle-high class family, but her parents are high acheivers, who expect nothing but the best from Yonni. From young, she has always followed what her parents want her to do. From etiquette classes to music lessons, her parents made her attend all sorts of extra lessons to give the edge over her same age peers. This is exactly why she is a rather successful person, having landed a nice apartment and well paying job, plus a good college education.

family: An Jung Hae | Appa | Lawyer | Strict Displinarian who is very proud of his acheievments, and wants his daughter to follow in his footsteps

Kang Yuri | Omma | Business Woman | Realistic person who wants Yonni to be a sophisicated woman so she can marry well next time.

- the michael phelps and justin biebers of your life

best friends: Picture  | Lee Donghae | 20 | When they say, "Best friends are the siblings that God forgot to give you", they mean it. Donghae and Yonni met when they were kids at the first day of school, and ever since then, they were in the same class all the way til the end of high school. They know each other like the back of their own hands, to the point that words need not be exchanged in order to establish understanding. Donghae is a few months older than Yonni, and since both of them were only childs in their family, the love they share for each oither was that of bloodship. They are close to the extent that they can be in complete silence next to each other and not feel awkward.

friends: Picture | Sunny| 20 | She's the smartest among all of Yonni's friend, and they knew each other at a interior designing exhibition. She loves to play and always ask Yonni along with her to meet new people

 Picture | Seohyun | 18 | Yonni met her in the singing class that she took up. They hit off almost immediately because of their common interest in music, and will always go for concerts together. She likes to get Yonni to go shopping with her and foot the bill.


- somebody call 9-1-1

and none for gretchen weiners, bye.: Picture  | Im Yoona | 20
why do you hate each other: Her family and Yonni's family are close friends, but she views Yonni as a competitor as her own parents always compares her to Yonni. Yonni dislikes her because she thinks that Yoona is always copying her in whatever she does, and she does not understand why they can't be friends.

- me plus you. ima tell you one time.

your bb: First choice: Leeteuk and Backup: Sungmin
personality: Gentle, patient, caring, sweet and kind
Yonni is not sure if he shares the same feelings towards her, but he always comes to her when he is feeling vexed or simply needed a listening ear, just like Yonni would go to him. He is very caring towards Yonni, but she feels that he treats her the same way that he treats all his other dongseangs. With them being optimistic people, their interactions are always fun and filled with laughter. 

- before you go

comments: Kudos to you for being able to think of such interesting storylines
suggest something: Individual Chapters for each plot?
tell me your wish: Sweet romance scenes between the character and love interest?
boss level: Justion Bieber song: 'Baby', and of course not forgetting, Michael Phelps is so awesome.


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taogami #1
thank chu for applying~
i liked your app!