- Thirty Day TVXQ Challenge ♥ [Day Six]

- Day Six; A TVXQ song that makes you giddy:





[link to MV] - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtJS32n6LNQ

[link to lyrics] - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pk1C_RglV1E&feature=fvst

[link to live] - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qYmlkudmJk


- Hehe, you see that picture I used? Yeah, I have that poster; and it's my biggest poster. ;D It was a gift from a friend, since she's not a Cassie; I bought her a Big Bang bracelet. [: But anyways, omfg; I spazz whenever I hear this song. Or whenever someone says "mirotic", I think of ChangMin's heavnely amazing scream. AHHH, it's so perfect in every single way.


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