
Today was very tiring. We had our Statistics Exam for like the whole day. We had the first part this morning, which was composed of 150 items and the second part was this afternoon (There are no number of items but it sure was long that we weren't able to finish it). We were all devastated that we did not finish it, but, wth? As if there's anything we could do. We went to the mall to grab something to eat as my friends and I also wanted to have a post celebration for our friendsary, hehe. After eating, we walked around for a while, then this lady asked us if we wanted to go to the Event's Center to watch a concert. We found out that the one performing was Eun Joo Park. I have seen the posters around. I didn't know when was it, but I really wanted to come, so, here's the opportunity. The entrance was free. We immediately went in front and sat at the second row. At the right side of the stage, there was a video being played. They were showing some performances of Eun Joo. It was a show at KBS and I think it was some kind of competition (she was even competing against the Philippines, I think), and artist like CN Blue, Suzy Bae, etc. were watching her and was really amazed. When she came out to the stage, she was very beautiful! And when she started playing her violin, ugh! Just amazing! She seemed very down to earth. She was so cute whenever she spoke Tagalog. She even went out of the stage and walked at the second floor of the mall while playing the violing. Also, she played Filipino song which was definitely great! How she delivered her performances were really mesmerizing! She's so pretty and is always smiling. I wasn't able to take a picture of her though, because my phone's camera is not that of good quality, but the experience itself was enough.

Eun Joo Park is a violinist and actress. She's a part of the drama Beethoven Virus. She's a world class electric violinist. She studied at Paris and is now taking her doctorate (as far as I know) at Korea. They said that she might also be studying here at the Philippines and teach children who are gifted but do not have the capability to study.


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