About FRAGILE: Handle With Care

A story that is coming soon; I'm not entirely sure when, though. It's quite a big problem, actually. I know the concept, and I finally figured out who I want in it, but I have no clue how to start it. Please bear with me on this. 

Anyway, this is probably one of the biggest steps I've ever taken in the fan world before. Up until now, for about seven years, I've been writing fanfictions for the different Animes I watch, and not one has ever made it out into the public. Why is this important? It's huge because I'm very, very iffy about writing a fanfiction about real people (who could even potentially read it) and posting it online. This fear is probably one of the big blocks holding me back from getting this story out.

So, anyway, until I can somehow figure out how to start my story, I hope everyone who comes across little ol' me will bear with it. Please? 


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