I'm sorry guys D: (Message to my readers)

My friend had an interview at this school in my city, and I went with her for emotional support, and somehow ended up taking the entrance exam with her. Long story short, I got in, and I start Monday.

So, why am I apologizing? Because I'm going to be up at 6 AM to go to school for 8:30, be there until 2:30 4 days a week, and beyond that I'm going to be putting the job search into overhaul because my best friend and I don't exactly have the best 'home life', and long story short, we need to gtfo before something bad happens. She's got the crappier end of the stick, and I just can't keep watching this happen to her.

Hence the expedited 9-month Massage Therapy courses, and the sh**ty part time jobs.

So, my updates are most likely going to suffer because of it. I'm going to try to finish Holding On before Monday, though. Then I'll work on the outline for part 3, but updates will be becoming "when I have time" instead of every other day. :/


SORRY! ;~;


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Whenever you want to update, you'll have us eager subscribers waiting patiently, don't pressure yourself or anything, life comes first :)
I love you guys ;~;
♥ we are here for support!!
It's ok, I'm sure most will understand that life comes first. :)