More news~

Hey guys, I really can't apologize enough for the slow, slow updates (especially with Normal and RTILYSM)

Basically, I'm going to be straight forward with you guys, this is why I've been so busy:


1. I was having arguments with my boyfriend for a while, but we're okay now. I was at a good enough time in my life so I updated MBF.

2. My brother got arrested, so my family and I were under a lot of stress. So, I have been unable to update Normal.

3. The FIRST day of school my house was broken into and robbed a lot of stuff. This literally just happened and I'm so stressed and afraid of all of this.


Anyways, I really just feel bad I haven't been working on my stories at all after my more recent update. I just feel so bad. If you want to know what I'm planning on writing in any of them, go ahead and ask. I have no problems with giving out spoilers.

Basically what will consist of my new chapters (hopefully it will be exciting to you guys lol?)

MBF: , lol lots of , very satisfying

N: Jinki will definitely start to be more intrigued by Sook. He begins to question the use of his medication once he reaizes he feels normal around her.

RTILYSM: Returning back to Korea is calming and everything seems to slow down, until Jinki watches the news on TV. He's suddenly terrified.

Honestly it's nice to be able to talk to you guys, I think the more I talk to people on here the more I'm inspired to write. Message me if you want to. <3

I love you guys! xoxo


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Wow, that's a lot of bad stuff for one person in a short time. I'm really sorry to hear that. It's really cool that you still want to be updating, so FIGHTING!
Paty97 #2
Damn! That's a lot of things for just one person to go through all at once! I'm deeply sorry for what has happened to you and I don't know what to say except that you are one strong girl for coming out and writing out what happened to you.
"God never gives you a situation you can't handle but sometimes I wish he wouldn't trust me so much."
-Mother Teresa
Omg!!! I hope u feel better! I'm so sorry!!! Curse that fa**** that broke into ur house...