Harmony application


Username: nothings-over

Link to your profile: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/32665


Name: Jeon Ji Hye // Shiraishi Keiko

Stage name: Kei

Birthday: October 26, 1991 // 19

Hometown: Nagoya, Japan

Ethnicity: half-Japanese ; half-Korean



Ji Hye is... calm. She's the type of person that isn't phased by those around her, and can handle almost any situation. She always has a book with her, and often uses it to hit others with it. She's the type who keeps others in line, and always makes sure others aren't acting to arrogant or getting ahead of themselves. She isn't afraid of stating things as they are, and no matter who she's talking to, always keeps a straight face. The girl has a perfect poker face, so it's difficult to tell when she's lying. She always maintains a calm and cool front, and often just rolls her eyes or smirks when other people say or do things. Often, others think she isn't paying attention because she is immersed in a book (usually a mystery or detective novel), but then she'll state, "What do you think you're doing?" or something like that, without even looking up. She may seem harsh sometimes, but she does this because she does not want others to get in trouble. She often takes the blame for others even when she was not involved whatsoever.

Sometimes it seems like she does not care about those around her, but she really does. She doesn't seem very talkative, but in reality, it's either because she doesn't have anything to talk about or because she prefers to listen. Ji Hye makes for the best listener because she doesn't judge others, and because she gives the best advice. If there is something she is interested in, she becomes super hyped and her pesonality does a 180, and she becomes extremely talkative. It isn't easy to get her like that though. Her close friends (usually the ones back in Japan like her best friend Toshi or her little brother *or Kyujong*) know her as the talkative, easy-going, fun person that she is. She doesn't show that side to most, but that side comes out when she's singing and playing guitar. Her smile isn't bright and shining like others' might be. Her's is soft and sweet, the image that most do not realize she has.


Background: Ji Hye was born and raised in Nagoya, Japan, where her father is from. Her father is a former Kabuki actor, and currently works as a teacher at the theater he used to act at. Ji Hye's mother is originally from Seoul, but moved to Japan when she met Ji Hye's father. Ji Hye has a younger brother who is 15, named Ji Hyuk or Kai. Ji Hye is extremely close with her brother who can be a bit over-protective, even if he is the younger one. Ji Hye learned to play the shamisen from her father. She always loved traditional poetry, and she discovered her love for writing lyrics when her music teacher asked for her class to each write a song about whatever they wanted. She wrote hers about a bird she saw that was trying to fly, but couldn't because its wing was hurt. Her teacher told her that she should write lyrics more often, and even advised her to enter a competition. While she did not win, she did receive honorable mention. From then on, she aimed to become a songwriter/lyricist. Her and her best friend Toshi formed a do that often performed on the streets, not for money or anything, but just for fun.

Talents: singing, songwriting, playing the shamisen, playing guitar, writing poetry






Ulzzang name: Pony

How did you get accepted: Ji Hye was scouted when she was performing on the streets of Tokyo with a friend of hers named Toshi. They weren't trying to get money or anything, they just thought it would be fun, so she was singing while he played guitar to a song that they co-wrote. Apparently, the guy was from DSP and he liked her voice, so he wanted her to come audition. She was skeptical, but Toshi told her she should try it out anyways, so she sent in her application, and when she passed that part, she was asked to come for an audition. Apparently, the person who has scouted her / told her to audition had filmed her performance and gave it to the company to check out. When she actually auditioned, they were truly stunned by her singing and asked her what song she just sang. She replied that she had written it herself, and that she actually wanted to be a songwriter. They were impressed by this and decided that she should be accepted. Little did she know that someone else was pushing for her too...


Kim Kyu Jong

How did you 2 meet: Actually, it was Kyujong of SS501 who told her to audition for DSP. Ji Hye didn't really know korean singers well, so she did not know he was famous when he walked by and saw her performing. He took out his phone and recorded the performance, and watched the whole thing. Then he approached her and told her she should audition for DSP. She was initially confused because she did not know who this random guy was and what DSP was. She thought it was one of those fake entertainment agencies. Kyujong was stunned that she did not know who he was, but just went along with it. Later on, when Ji Hye auditioned for DSP, he showed up to tell her good luck. All the other auditionees were screaming and freaking out, and she was like, "Oh, you. Hey." From then on, they became friends with each other.

His 1st impression of you: When he saw her perform, he was stunned not just by her voice but by her energy which was soft but hyped up and bright. Not the extremely charismatic brightness, but the light glowing energy radiating from her, her pure love for music.When he spoke with her, she was calm and someone who pursues her own interests for herself, and who performs not for money or for fame, but because she just loves music.

His personality towards you: He pursues her with interest, and she does not really realize he is interested in her. He is always extremely nice to her and tries to help her out and supports her from behind. He often shows up in front of her to talk and ask her out to eat, but she thinks that it's just friendly behavior and doesn't realize his feelings or her own.

Pet name: Rabu <3



~2nd Position~

Main Vocal


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