Last Fantasy ♡ { application }



Username: thederpchanyeol

Profile linkeu: Chanyeol!

Name: Lola



Character name: Park Dongri

Nickname: PD

Age: 18

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 47 kg


mirror mirror.

Ulzzang: Park Hwan Hui


Back-up ulzzang: Kim Seuk Hye



Others?: Ear piercings. ;)


two moons.


Dongri is quite a reserved girl. She seldom goes outside her house, afraid that people might discover the 'real' her. She grew up as a quiet girl, just observing things and people around her. She hates attention, but that's always what she gets when she's outside. People are scared of her because of her pale skin, the way she stares at people, and because of her dark aura. But she just shrugs it off and continue to ignore people, even those that are interested about her.

She has such great control over her needs, especially her thirst. She doesn't want creating a scene so she always avoid going out without drinking something, even just from a cat or rabbit. She'll always make it a point to drink before leaving the house, just to be sure.

Dongri is also a caring girl. She might be quiet, but she can make her friends and family feel protected. She just knows how to make them comfortable with her own ways.


She grew up in a Jeju, a place where someone like her can live peacefully. Because of Jeju's small population, her family lived there quietly. People there have no clue of what Dongri and her father are. Her family found it easy to interact with their neighbors without giving them ideas of their identities. And because of their peaceful lives there, Dongri trained herself easily.

Her father, a vampire, taught her how to control her thirst, how to get used to animal's blood instead. At first, it wasn't easy but Dongri managed to get how her father does it. After years of training, she started going out without having trouble in dealing with her need.

When she was 16, her father left them. That made her train more, get used to being with humans, plenty of humans. She somewhat mastered it already. But there are times when she just can't stop herself and go back to her house to feed.


- Silence

- Rabbit's and goat's blood

- Water (she trained herself to drink water instead of blood and surprisingly, she liked it)

- The color red

- Music

- Vampire movies (well, it is because she can relate to those movies)

- High places


- Human blood (she doesn't hate it, she just avoids it)

- Attention

- Noise

- The Sun and anything very bright

- People holding/touching her

- Food


- sleeping (well, vampires and half-vampires don't do this.:p)

- shutting her eyes cloose when there's a presence of blood

- biting her pillows when she's really, really thirsty

- talking to humans without making eye contacts

- wearing a trench coat when going out in the morning


- Hunting

- Climbing really tall trees

- Listening to music

- Painting

- Roaming around at night 


- Attends school just like a normal teenager

- A bit artistic, that's why she loves music and painting

- Weaker compared to a normal vampire, but is much faster than them

- She has the gift of healing humans and her kind. She haven't used it, though. Using it might cause suspicions.



Mother, Age, Occupation: Park Shin Il | 42 | A high school teacher

Father, Age, Occupation: Park Dongsoo | 43 (real age: 783) | Nothing, just a vampire.

Siblings: None

Friends/Best friend: f(x)'s Luna, SHINee's Taemin


cruel fairytale.

Persona: The half vampire

Pair: Kim Jongin]

Relationship with your destined pair: Dongri and Kai are schoolmates. They're not really close to each other but they do have a common friend, which is Taemin. They go out as a group sometimes. But most of the time, Dongri declines it. That made Kai become interested about her.


finishing touch.

Comments/Suggestions: Hi!:) Love the plot! Hwaiting!~



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