Hey . What's up? 


Well, this is just a blog about how my S.M Ent Youth Audition was like. 


So, first I had to ride in a car with my rather annoying family for a good 2 hours to get there. My audition was August 4, here in New Jersey. When I got there, I first saw so many cars from all over the east coast. It was insane, and there were so many kids there. The best part so many kids were Non-Asian like me. 

Anyway, when I went in, I had to fill out a form with just basic information. You know, name, age, grade level, school, email, ethnicity, the works. When I gave it to the S.M workers, I was given a number, A243. I was to wait until I was called along with 19 other kids. We were then taken to a separate area to wait until the judge was ready to see us.

​We were lined up ten at a time in number order. A241 to A250, I was third in that group. A251-A260 were sitting off to the side watching. The judge, she was a decoy. The trick is, to always try to look at the camera. We were told if we didn't look at the camera enough, we wouldn't be considered anymore. 

​I waited for my turn, the girl before me, when it was her turn, she kicked off her sandals and said she was dancing. I felt so lucky, I'd get a chance to hear the song I had to dance to as well. It was S&M by Rihanna. Not my favorite song, but I didn't have much of a choice. My turn came, I danced as well as I could to that song for about two minutes. When I was told to stop, I then bowed to the camera and walked back to my place. 

​A few hints to anyone going to audition soon:

  1. ​Always Look At The Camera.
  2. ​Speak Clearly To Say What You're Auditioning For.
  3. ​Do Something That Will Make S.M Remember Your Video.
  4. ​Dress Appropriately
  5. Do Your Best

Most Importantly, Show Them You BELONG On Stage.

Well, That's It. Good Luck to anyone going to audition. My results should arrive soon, so I'll keep you posted on that(:

Con Mucho Amor,



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Ahh~ good luck!! :)
nope. i get my results until sometime this week (:
I hope you got accepted tho~
You auditioned? Waa~ I auditioned via email but they're not replying yet. I'm from Philippines btw. ^^
Anyway, good luck! You didn't know the result yet, right? ^^