NOT the same

You know what i find annoying is when someone says your good at something but thats not what your good at its similar but different so you tell them then they say "oh whatever its the same thing" when its obviously NOT like Jpop and Kpop its NOT the same!!!!!!!!

Like me im really good at painting NOT drawing.

I cant draw for the life of me  but i can Paint things really well ( i can draw just not as well as i paint.)

I told my cousin this but they tell their friends "Oh my cousin is really at drawing" then they ask me draw and im like no i cant draw i can paint.

Speaking of paint i really want to paint but i cant since in Jordan i cant find any good quality paints and canvases.....they dont have any actually.

I mean think about it the whole summer not painting omg i cant believe im alive O_O



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