Life of a student .

I can't say enough about how life of a student . 

Memorising chunks and chunks of text or after another.

Never ending formulas and graphs. 

Like seriously, when am I ever going to put these knowledge to use ? 

For now, I need to memorise a stack of my notes and I'm really dreading to do so. 

My classmates probably have studied more then me already and this just . 

I dont want to study.

I don't want to be a student.

But what else can I be if I don't ? 

Life as a student but one can go nowhere without qualifications . 

Nice. (lol, thanks Dongwoo for influencing me.)


I got to go...

Back to the dreadful life as a student again... 

Goodbye guys !): 


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Don't think about it that way. Just enjoy your time as a student now, you wouldn't what will happen next if you're not a student anymore. Cheer up♡ :)
Aww, I know how you feel ;A;
Dongwoo, haha, nice. <3
Good luck! It will be over before you know it, :)