the only thing i hate about roleplay is---

that im ignored. =.=

i think i made good efforts in being friendly and all but pfftt nobody i repeat NOBODY seem to be friends with messages,no tags when everyone is chatting happily on my PARK BOM for god's sake (in the roleplay) *pathetic me LOL* so thats why i kind of doubting myself when someone invite me to join roleplay.even if i said yes,i ended up not joining cos i was just that loser-- even in virtual life i  can hardly make friends. LOL 

i feel awkward to suddenly jump in their convo and although i write a lost of 18SX stuff,its not my stuff to in roleplays.NO NO NO.some ppl do that to attract the crowd. :)

even when i say HI nobody would reply it and i feel like a total ing loser on Earth and hell.i couldnt even smell the heaven thru my achievement. L M A O.

people are having /dating on my dash and i am like 'uhhhh guys,u need condoms??snacks??' 

i have no friends thats all.its killing my self esteem.i mean even if in roleplays i cant make new friends, real life.

this makes me want to cut my wrists again.loser.fcking loser.



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