
Public Display of Affection, when is it okay? That depends. Well, if it's simply holding hands then maybe it won't be bothersome for others to see it, but sometimes some couples just go overboard.

On my way here to my dorm, I rode a public vehicle which is a van. Because there are only two seats left, I did not have any choice but to sit next to a couple. Actually, I didn't really care, I just wanted to get to my destination safely - that was what I thought at first. After I have seated, I began to get irritated. The couple, who were at my right, were talking in low, sweet voices. I put on my earphones. I can see from my peripheral view that they cannot seem to let go of each other. I'm not being bitter here because I'm single, but because it's irritating! The girl kept on caressing the guy's thighs and then I realized that the guy had his arm around the girl's waist. As if I would dare take his girl from her? I thought. I felt like rolling my eyes and shouting, "Please, get a room!" But of course, I wouldn't want to embarass myself. What's even worse is that, I was stucked next to this lovers for a longer time because of the traffic. The girl even leaned on the guy's chest, the guy was even saying that he's cold, ugh! I'm just glad that they're not kissing and stuff (Or maybe I just didn't see it?). Anyway, I just wanted to rant 'cause I really hate that. People should really be sensitive with their surroundings. Imagine if they sat next to old people, they probably would have gotten themselves scolded.


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