Looks like we know what there wearing in their next video...

As you may know Jeremy Scott is

one of the many international fans of 2NE1

& being a designer he often hands his designs 

for 2NE1 to try out! & since they always rock his 

style, he promotes his products on them as much as 

he can! Well..he just released these sick shoes

& im guessing 2NE1 is going to be flashing them either 

in there next mv or a there concert.

Check'em out. Would you buy them?

There like $350.


I would. I have BJ blood & me so the crazy 2NE1 style is in me.



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lonelybluemonster #1
These shoes got banned because of the shackles... Apparently the shackles remind people of slaves/slavery which is morally wrong and thus this shoes are morally wrong. So they are now banned. It's a stupid reason, I know. Although, if 2NE1 does end up wearing them they'll fit perfect with their image. <3