Heyyy Dudesss....

Hey guys! I don't really know if you guys read blogs... I just randomly saw a button called 'blogs' and was like: OMG! I can blog?!?!?! :OOOO And so I did XD

Ummmm.... Just so you guys know, I'm in the middle of writing a new fanfic. (If you even care) But I'm not going to be posting it on AFF until I'm more into my current fanfic. The fanfic I'm currently writing is my first one, and it's pretty crappy because I didn't really plan ahead =.= 

I know, I know. It's stupid of me to just post a fanfic without any idea what I'm writing next... 

'I thought you loved me' is pretty much a 'go with the flow'... So sorry if it comes out really bad D: I'll try harder! Promise! *holds out pinky* 





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