
I'm working on the follow up for Everything is Possible/Only One Person and seriously, it is so cute and pure fluff and it can induce diabetes.



"You can't wear that for school." Stood infront of Hongki, was his daughter, her hands on her hips and wearing a bright pink tutu.

"Why not daddy?" She asked defiantly.

"You need to wear the uniform." Hongki insisted, holding up the red tartan pleated skirt, white shirt and grey blazer that made up the uniform of the private school his daughter was enrolled in. "Please, baby."

"But I want to wear this daddy." she said with a pout and a small stomp of her left foot. "Why can't I wear what I want anymore?"

"Because, sweetheart, you're not in kindergarten anymore. You're a big girl, a big girl that goes to school." Hongki explained, stepping towards the small girl and pulling her into his arms, slowly undressing her. "Besides, you look far prettier in the uniform than in a tutu that is too small for you now."


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