App thingy?

HyunSeung was laughing quietly to himself as he watched all the nerds being bullied. When he heard his name being called, he turned his head and saw a fellow kingka.

"Hey HyunSeung, Mind doing me a favour?" 

"Sure, as long as I'm not the target." HyunSeung says as he fixed his hair

"Well, just torture that nerd over there." The other guy told him, pointing to a nerd who was reading a book by door.

"Alright.", HyunSeung said as he walks towards the said nerd, thinking, 'As long as its not me' 

Once HyunSeung reached the nerd, he grabbed the boy by the collar and pushed him aganist the wall, "Lunch money now." he said with a sweet smile.

"I-I dont have any."

"Really?" HyunSeung said smirking, "Too bad, if u did, I would have gone softer on you, oh well."

HyunSeung then punched the kid over and over again till he saw the other guys happy and blood trinkling down the boys nose.

Smiling, HyunSeung walked away while fixing his hair and checking his outfit, thinking, ' I think I should re-dye my hair soon.'


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