So I was thinking about what if I got married to the B1A4 Members.

1. Jinyoung's

-- It'll be fun be married to Jinyoung. His sweet, kind and calm and you can just define him as a perfect husband. He can easily charm me as well and he'll help me with the housework without complaining that much.

2. CNU's

-- This will be quite awkward because if he has hard time finding a topic to talk about then I'd have a hard time as well. It'll be overly quite as well.

3. Baro's

-- It will be amazing because Baro is my bias and his overly funny. I like to have thrilling moments in life so yeah. OMG. His smile kills me as well. His weirdness fits mine as well. AND HIS SIX PACK ABS, OHGAD HAVE MERCY ON ME.

4. Sandeul's

-- This marriage will be fun too because he loves food and I love food and nothing goes wrong when we love food. Although he may complain a lot when we divide household work.

5. Gongchan's

-- I'll be a slave to this boy, with just one 'bbuing bbuing' from him, I'll do everything but I think he'd be helpful too. 





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8D I'd like to Marry Baro or Deul.
gongchanniesyeoja #2
True dat :""">