Application for ♚ Coffee Queen ♚


Application Form



About Me

Asianfanfics Username : elf_verl

Asianfanfics Link Profile : Here!

Asianfanfics Activeness: 9



The Character

Name : An Yonni

Nickname(s) : Matcha-Cat

Birthdate : 13 Nov 1990

Birthplace : Korea

Hometown : Seoul

Ethnicity/Nationality : Korean

Blood Type : A

Status : Student



Personality :

 Bright and sunny 


 Loves to take care of others, for instance cook for them or clean up after them.

 Animal Lover

 Optimist, feels that no problem can’t be solved

  Loves to bake and cook

♥ Ambition is to become a world-reowned patissier


Likes [5+] :





 Rainy Days

 Horror Movies

♣ Baking and cooking


Dislikes [5+] :

ͽ Two-faced people

ͽAnimal Abusers

ͽPeople who don't work for what they want

ͽGoing out in the sun


ͽBitter Foods



Fear/Phobia [3+] :

₴ Being alone

₴ Butterflies

₴ Fierce People

₴ Not able to make nice desserts


Hobbies [3+] :

ͽ Playing with cats


ͽReading bakery books



Habits [3+] :

 Loves to eat bread. She can have bread for every meal

 Sugar-Addict. Yonni always carries sweets or similar substitutes around with her.

 Photo Addict. She always has a camera with her as she loves to take photo of anything she finds interesting. She especially enjoy taking pictures of scenery, from clouds to plants.

 Favourite quote: “There’s too much blood in my sugar system! Time for a power boost!”


Trivia [3+] :

 Matcha is her favourite drink. When Yonni buys a drink, she will always look for matcha first, only turning to others when matcha is not available.

 Yonni is very sensitive to the moods of the people around her. She seems to have an innate ability to sense the emotion of others. She knows exactly when to keep quiet or when to cheer someone up.

 She is a horror movie fan and absolutely loves the paranormal stuff! She loves everything from ghosts, to vampires!

 She has a weak spot for cats. Every thing that she has has cat designs on them.

 She is terrified of butterflies and her mind will go blank when she sees a butterfly. She would scream and cower in fear.

♣Her amibition to become a master patissier is because of her mother



Idol's Name: Kim Shin Yeong

Idol's Link :  one | two | three | four | five | six

Back-up Idol's Name : Lee Geum Hee

Back-up Idol's Link : one | two | three


Weight : 55kg




Family :

 An Jung Jae II 55 II 18 June II Chef II Alive II Father II Doesn't know how to express his love for his daughter, a quiet man

Kang Yuri II 50 II 24 May II Housewife and part time patissier II Dead II Mother II Kind, loving and supportive


Family Background :

Yonni used to have the most perfect family. Well, at least to her. Even though they weren't rich, they led very happy days. Father was a chef, and Mother was a housewife. Yonni's childhood was filled with laughter and joy as she got the full attention of both her parents, with her being the only child. She did not had much contacts with her grandparents as her father was an orphan. Her maternal grandparents were rich people, but had disowned Yonni's mother when she chose to marry a lowly chef. However, Yonni's happiness did not last long. Her mother was taken away by a cruel car accident when she was 14 years old, leaving her and her father in agony. Yonni's father never really came out of the pain of losing his wife, and resorted to drinking, leaving young Yonni all alone at home most of the time. Since her mother death, Yonni took up the role of both the daughter, and the female master of the house by doing all the cleaning, and cooking. In order to lessen her father's burden, she took up part-time jobs. Her amibition of becoming a world-reowned patissier was due to her mother, who used to fill Yonni's head and mouth with all sorts of fantasies of desserts. Since her mother death, baking became Yonni's way of remembering her. 



IU II 22 years old II 15 July II Student II Soloist II Alive  II Best friendII Sweet and caring



 Rival : Yoona II 22 years old II 30 May II Student II SNSD II Alive II Competitive

How can you  and __ be a rival ? : Yoona views Yonni as her competitor in school as they are in the same class.

Did you plan to reconciling ? Yes




Status : Single

Love interest : Leeteuk II 25 II 1 July II Patissier II Super Junior II Bright, sunny and gentle

How did you meet ? : Leeteuk is Yonni's instructor in her baking lessons.

Back-up love interest : Lee Sungmin II 22 years old II 1 Jan II Student II Super Junior II Cute, but quiet

How did you meet ? : In school, they are both members of the same school club- The Cat Welfare Society



Before Coffee

What did you do before work at the Coffee Queen ? : Part Time waitress in another cafe

How did you know about the Coffee Queen ? : I saw the notice for employment while walking past the shop one day



After Coffee

What are your personality when work at the Coffee Queen ? : A fun loving and playful person. I love interacting with not only my collegues, but the customers as well

Work as :  Sweet Dessert Chef



Did I Miss Something ?

Wanted scene [max 5 ] : A confession scene! Between chracter and love interest!!!!



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interesting !! I love Yonni aka Matcha-Cat !