having moral crisis

So I'm only posting this because my partner is out and I'm home alone with the LM (little monster) who totally lacks an understanding of the finer point of morality.  I've been reading fan editorials again.  Every time I read them I promise I'm not going to do it any more, but I always do.  I never had this prolem pre-rps.  slash has been a hobby of mine since freshman year, fanfic at least a year before that. I don't consider myself any weirder than those men who enjoy girlXgirl .  Its purely an excersize in fantacy.  I think a large part of the attraction is the unknown and unattainable.  I will never be a gay man, therefore it becomes a safe focus to act out urges I could never put into practice in real life.

I'm a bi-ual woman, happily living with my (female) partner, it doesn't bother me if men fantasize about lesbian .  However if a man suggested to me or my lady that we were in some way contributing to his ual fantacies I would be offended.  In other words as it applies to myself and my relationship I prefer strangers to keep it in their heads.  Which begs the question: does posting my fic publicly (when it involves real people) make me a hypocrite?  Or does their fame some how remove the fair expectation not to be objectified? 

In the end I don't think it matters all that much.  I love writing fic, and I love posting it.  LJ fan comms are totally what kept me sane in the months after I gave birth to our daughter, and while I do occasionally feel guilty, I'm too selfish to give up a sense of belonging, and a place to share parts of myself I know wouldn't be welcome anywhere else.



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