"When Love Walked In" stuff (a.k.a. DROWNING IN SHIPPING FEELS!! XD)

It's been a while since I've posted a blog here... I should try to post more so I can get used to the formatting and stuff.

Anyway, here's some stuff regarding the new drama, "When Love Walked In," that stars Fahrenheit's Calvin Chen, Super Junior-M's Zhou Mi, and f(x)'s Victoria Song. ^^


Opening theme song:



It's very nice; I like it a lot. ^^ Still hoping that the three main leads were able to get an insert song or something though...


Preview #1:



NO BASHING/FANWARS/SHIPPING WARS ALLOWED!  >.< It's a DRAMA, people. What were you expecting?


Preview #2:



Poor Calvin, getting so abused in here. XD And a lot of crying here too. ;~;


*Screams so loud that people in China can probably hear me*   x.x


Now excuse me while I go drown in my feelings.... ;~;

(This blog is fairly short. To see a more detailed description of my spazzing/fangirling, please see my deviantART journal I posted last night regarding this same subject: http://fav.me/d5ars62)

That is all.




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Is it out alreadyy!!!!!!ZHOUTORIAA!!!
The main song is by By2?
Whoa, Singapore twins hwaiting!

...no wonder their voices seem familiar XD
OMGOMG I really can't ;w;
/drowns along in the shipper feels