Blog 15. Sorry again guys ^^;;


I have quite a few excuses reasons as to why I wasn't around recently to update things and reply to wall posts and here they are!


Sorry for all this guys ^^;;



First of all!

We were moving house! The process took quite a long time and was unexpectedly almost right after the time I came back online after a hiatus.

It was due to a personal reason, as those of you who added be as friends and read my blog would know :)




Tension is starting to kick in since this is nearly the end of my second last year of high school :O

Which might not seem like but to you guys, but in Australia the final year of high school means no room for mistakes and there are never second chances :/

Since I nearly failed my first semester of year 11, I don't have much confidence in coming up with marks that can amount for it :/


And finally,

My health is once again deteriorating :/

I got back my blood test results and the report said that not only was I deficient in iron but also now vitamin D.

So now, I should be taking three Vitamin D tablets and two Iron tablets. Every day :/


My head also hurts almost every day. I get migraines you see, because apparently they're hereditary. My mom also has really bad migraines too..

My normal painkillers aren't working anymore and my doctor told me to try stronger ones (which my mom was strongly against haha )




I'll be updating my stories now, every Saturday or Sunday now :)


Thank you guys for being patient with me all the time :)














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