- Fifteen Day OTP Challenge ♥ [Day Fifteen] [Boy/Girl]

- Day Fifteen; Your favorite person on Tumblr to spazz over your OTP with, or a blog you go for your OTP fill:







- Ahaha, I know it asked for a blog; or person, but I really couldn't think of one. There isn't a 'yeahminstal' Tumblr blog, so that kinda upsets me. I want to start one, but that would take waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much work. O.o xD But fer real. Whenever I need my daily dose of MinStal, I just look up pictures on Google; and their precious videos on YouTube, and I am happy again. [;


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versxce #1
Hehe true but the f*uckyeahminstal is dissapioting though..