Happy endings n' future plans...

The thing is...
I really like happy endings, but sometimes they dont fit with the reality. 
I know Survival skills, ended somehow happily, cause no one was hurt, except the bad guy.
The we had Haunted by the past, which didnt end happily....AND im sorry about that...but im a realist...at soem points...
And when you try to kill someone in a gang... they dont let of easily, thats just how it is...
Im really sorry that i killed Yongguk...i didnt want to, but a happy ending just seemed unrealistic...

About Teenage Boy... im so sorry that its not happy or anything...
But it was inspired by a movie, called my sisters keeper...
I watched it and suddenly i felt like writing something similar, just with another plot...
But im sorry to those who doesnt like that Zelo is dying!!!!!!!! But that's reality...

And to get something straight!!! I Like happy endings! Alot!!! im just not good at writing happy ever after fluff stories...
Im on the other hand very good at writing dramatic stories...

But to you guys who doesnt like drama...or something like that...
Red my new BangZelo story called letters from you... it's fluffy and pink with glitter on top...
But it's also sad and realistic.

Last thing... im working on another story... but im not gonna publish it, untill teenage boy is finished..
its also a bangZelo...

in the future, im going to write a KaiSoo story to all those Exo shippers...
and im also going to write a LuKai story...

but i dont know when...since im starting in school next wedensday ^^'





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