Nix Arts Academy App




Username: ddred88

Link: profile 

What do you want me to call you by?:


Name: Min Ava

Nicknames: Pogjug *Firecracker* By Zinger
Birthdate: August 2, 1992

Age: 20

Height/weight: 157cm/ 50kg

Birthplace: Los Angeles

Hometown: Seoul

Ethnicity: Korean

Lanuages: English and Korean, although she does tend to use it informally

Bloodtype: B

Beautiful Self

Ulzzang name: Im Da Hye

Pictures of ulzzang: 001 002 003 004 005 006 

Back-up Ulzzang: Lee Jung Ha

Pictures of back-up ulzzang: 001 002 003 

Your dashing Personality

Personality: Ava is a mixture of urban chick and girly girl. She can be both intimidating and sweet. She seems cold at first since it takes a while for her to open up to you but once she has, she is friendly, funny and loud. Ava is definitely a rebel, always has been. She tends to be a smart and doesn’t take orders very well. She likes to boss people around not be bossed around. Ava doesn’t think much of her rebellious nature since she thinks it’s not a big deal as long as she doesn’t end up hurting others. .One of her worst traits is the fact that she is far to challenging and hot headed. If she feels like something someone is doing is wrong, she will call that person out. Ava finds it very hard to take orders since she feels like she is inferior for some reason, she basically doesn’t like someone having the upper hand. She’s the type of person who gets annoyed very easily but it doesn’t always turn into full blown anger. She usually has good control over her anger since it goes away fairly quickly but when she does get angry it is quite scary since she has a very quick and sharp tongue and always needs to have the last word.

She has a dark, weird, awkward American sense of humor and doesn't hide it. Since her humor is very American sometimes she comes of as unlady like which bothers her IMMENSELY. Ava actually has a very girly side to her so when she feels like people perceive her as a tomboy and ‘one of the boys’ it bothers her for days. She thinks that if she is known as one of the guys no male will ever think of her in a romantic light and will approach her because they see her as too manly or an oddity so she always has her nails fixed and her hair taken care of, she takes good care of her skin but she doesn’t think she needs to be any lighter. It’s kind of funny just how much she worries about her appearance, you wouldn’t think she was the type of person who cared about how she looked and was worried about boys when you saw her acting all intimidating

Background: Ava was born Min Ha Ra in Los Angeles. Her family is of working class, her dad is the owner of a woodshop that makes handmade furniture. Ava's childhood was a happy one, she was a little monster though. She was never quiet or shy and always a force to be reckoned with. When she was 12 and her sister was 14, the family left for South Korea since her dad decided to open up a wood shop in Seoul. This was when things became a little bit harder for Ava. She had darker skin since both her parents came from the country side so she wasn't really what you would call beautiful in Korea. Not to mention the fact that she was very ‘Americanized’ and loud that made it hard for people to feel comfortable enough to approach her.

Even though she had been in South Korea for a couple of years she still couldn’t get used to the 8+ hours of school she would have to attend during the week. After she would get home from school she would either help out in the shop and work on some wood furniture or go to a dance class. During the weekends was when her life was solely dedicated to rap. She would sneak into wherever there was a freestyle contest or a show and just take in as much as she could. What inspired her to become an idol was watching her role model Yoon Mi Rae be able to be popular and gain respect and be seen as arguably, the best rapper in South Korea even though she was a female. Ava honestly did not think of trying to make a career out of music until she saw Yoon Mi Rae and realized ‘Hey, if she can do it, so can I’. The thing that pushed Ava into becoming a idol rapper and singer instead of an under ground artist was that she thought it was time for the music industry to be introduced to a Real female rapper who can compose her own lyrics and be able to freestyle.


  • -She loves to get manicures and pedicures. She legit has over 20 bottles of nail polish in her dorm for whenever she feels like changing her nail color.
  • -Ava is a history nerd. Most of the books she reads have to deal with the history of other cultures.
  • -She likes cats.
  • -Ava loves mango more than any other fruit.
  • -Lip balm.
  • -the color red
  • -perfumes
  • -going to the beach
  • -bossing people around
  • -chocolate cake
  • -cherry lollipops
  • -she likes owning physical albums rather than downloading them


  • -She dislikes being woken up early.
  • -She does not like birds.
  • -she does not like pineapple’s.
  • -she hates when people scold her in front of others
  • -She doesn’t like aegyo, unless it’s Zingers
  • -She doesn’t like when people imitate her voice but make it 10 times higher
  • -She does not like being alone in the dark.
  • -She hates the word moist.
  • -She hates when people in front of her walk slow.
  • -she hates being in a rush


  • Drawing portraits of people or animals
  • Reading
  • Practicing rapping in Korean
  • Trying out new nail polishes
  • Baking


  • Being alone in the dark
  • Insects


  • One of Ava’s habits is applying hand cream about 10 times a day. Even though other's have said she doesn't have rough hands she can't help but apply cream.
  • Whenever someone sneezes she says “Bless you” even if it’s someone walking down the street who she doesn’t know.
  • Cursing in English whenever she messes up or is annoyed.
  • Talking back when she really shouldn’t, she is making baby steps toward keeping shut, though.
  • Bossing people around
  • Another habit is challenging a person with authority, When someone has been appointed to give out orders, whether it was in a dance class or in school and Ava doesn’t feel like that person is strong enough to give orders she has the need to takeover


  • she has tan skin
  • -She wakes up in the middle of the night sometime to eat cereal. Whenever someone finds her eating she just stares at them till they go away. She has no shame
  • -She is always drumming her fingers to some beat she has in her head
  • -Her favorite rappers are Yoon Mi Rae and Kanye West
  • She likes being called her English name, Ava more than her Korean name Ha Ra.
  • - she introduces herself as Ava to everyone since she doesn’t really like her Korean name, only her family calls her Ha Ra

Amazing people in my life

Bestfriends- (2)
Jung ‘Zinger’ Hana

How do you act around each other? Ava and Zinger had a bond immediately. They have are so much alike except that Zinger likes to act a bit more cute than Ava. Zinger is someone who likes to push Ava into things she isn’t comfortable. When they are together they bicker a lot but that’s just how they are. One of Zinger’s most favorite things to do to Ava is tick her off because she says ‘the things Ava says when she is angry are always funny and witty’.

Friends- Song Jieun
Jeon Hyosung
Han Sunhwa

Crush, lover, or y, free and single, ready to Bingo!- Crush, but Ava doesn’t think she has a chance since she has a feeling Yongguk likes Jieun

Who: Bang Yongguk

How you met? Ava met Yongguk through Zinger

Umma, Appa, Oppa, Unnie.

Family relationship/backgrounds: Since Ava was very rebellious she was seen as the wild child in the family. She did give her parents a hard time but as she got older she got more responsible.

Family members-
Father |Hyun Ki | 46 | Owner of Golden Wood Shop, a wood shop that focuses on making hand made furniture | the relationship between Ha Ra and her father had it’s up and downs. They would heads often but that all changed when it was discovered that Hyun Ki had lung cancer since he had taken the habit of smoking since he was 17. Ava made the effort to spend more time with her dad and get to know him once she discovered he had cancer. The whole family was shocked when they figured out about his condition but not Hyun Ki, all he asked was when he could leave the hospital because he had a shop to run. He is currently in remission but still ha snot been cured of the lung cancer. He doesn’t show how much pain he is in or how lonely he feels now that his girls have left the nest.

Mother| Joo Young |44 | Works alongside her husband at Golden Wood Shop | Ava and her mother had a stronger relationship than that of her father’s. She was the one who helped Ava when she was feeling down or angry. Joo Young was the type of person who always thought before she spoke and picked her battles. She was a strong women who always put her family first. Although the marriage between Joo Young and Hyun Ki wasn’t always perfect, she has tried her best to keep her family together. She works alongside her husband.

Older Sister| Lia| 21| She is a college student | Ava and Lia have very similar personalities so they soemtimes clash. One minute their laughing about a joke one of them said and the next they're about to bite eachother's heads off. Lia is someone who Ava looks up to dearly and goes to for advice |

Buh Bye

Rivals- Cl

Why you dislike each other? Ava and CL are a lot alike. Ava sees CL as her biggest competition at the Academy and she gets sort of jealous that CL is known as the best female rapper at the academy and ‘Seoul’s Baddest Female’ and hopes to take away CL’s title.



Dancing- 001 002

Rapping- 001 002 

Playing instruments-

Dashi Dorawa ~

Password: Bang Yongguk


Request: A love triangle between Ava, Yongguk and Jieun

Neol saranghae~


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