We Got Married/ Min Ava



|We Got Married!|

Min Ava


Username: ddred88

Nickname: Dany

Profile link:   link

Activeness: 8

|I'm Amazing. Period.|

Name: Min ‘Ava’ Ha Ra

Persona: Warrior Queen

Age: 20

Birthday: 08/2/1992

Birthplace: Los Angeles

Hometown: Seoul

Ethnicity: ½ Korean, ½ Latin

Languages: Fluent/ English, Spanish, Korean, although she does tend to speak it informally

|I am the Best.|

Ulzzang name: Im Da Hye

HQ Pictures: 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010

Back up: Lee Jung ha

Style: Ha Ra likes to blend urban clothing with y/girlyclothing. For example she’ll mix tight jeans or shorts with a baggy shirt. Or she’ll wear a cropped shirt with a oversized sweater on top. She likes to wear caps,bandanas and beanies and a lot of sweaters and jackets. She usually wears sneakers or boots. She doesn’t wear jewelry other than hoop ear rings.

At home: 001 002 003 004 005 006 

Casual: 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 

Formal: 001 002 003 004 

Height: 157cm

Weight: 52kg

Extra: She has 2 tattoos A sun tattoo and the phrase ‘Give ‘em hell’ in hangul doing down her bicep. She also has her ears and tongue pierced.

         (How her nails look now)

|Me, Myself, and I.|

Personality: When Ava is happy she is very loud and bright, she really can’t control her facial expressions so when she is happy you’ll know it immediately just by looking at her face.

Personality: (When you're upset) When Ava is upset she likes to be alone to gather herself. She may come off as cold when upset but she just really needs to be left alone because she doesn’t like people seeing her like that.

Personality details: Ava style is a mixture of urban chick and girly girl. She can be both intimidating and sweet. She seems cold at first since it takes a while for her to open up to you but once she has, she is friendly, funny and loud. Ava is definitely a rebel, always has been. She got her first tattoo when she was 17 with her sister’s consent. Her parent’s almost killed her. Another example is when Ava got another tattoo on her upper back when she was a trainee, going against the wishes of the company. They eventually found out and almost kicked her out. Ava doesn’t think much of her rebellious nature since she thinks it’s not a big deal as long as she doesn’t end up hurting others. One of her worst traits is the fact that she is far to challenging and hot headed. If she feels like something she is doing or seeing is wrong, she will call that out and a lot of the time the company doesn’t like it. Ava finds it very hard to take orders since she feels like she is inferior for some reason, she basically doesn’t like someone having the upper hand. She’s the type of person who gets annoyed very easily but it doesn’t always turn into full blown anger. She usually has good control over her anger since it goes away fairly quickly but when she does get angry it is quite scary since she has a very quick and sharp tongue and always needs to have the last word.

She has a dark, weird, awkward American sense of humor and doesn't hide it. Since her humor is very American sometimes she comes of as unlady like which bothers her IMMENSELY. Ava actually has a very girly side to her so when she feels like people perceive her as a tomboy and ‘one of the boys’ it bothers her for days. She thinks that if she is known as one of the guys no male will ever think of her in a romantic light and will approach her because they see her as too manly or an oddity so she always has her nails fixed and her hair taken care of, she takes good care of her skin but she doesn’t think she needs to be any lighter. It’s kind of funny just how much she worries about her appearance, you wouldn’t think she was the type of person who cared about how she looked and was worried about boys when you saw her acting all intimidating

She tries to get along with everyone when she first meets you. She can be reserved in the beginning since it always takes a while for her to warm up to someone unless she feels that instant click with you. It’s very easy to get on her bad side, she doesn’t like it when people try to pretend like they know her or can talk about her like they’ve been friends forever when she has just met you. With her small group of friends she is loud and somewhat warm towards them. She finds it very hard for herself to show how she is feeling and to show love. She’s that friend who you have to force into a group hug and will make a face and try to pry herself away immediately. Ava walks around with confidence and swagger but when she is in her own world or writing lyrics she gives off an almost forgettable aura.

Family members: (Parents):

Min Hyun Ki | 46| Dec. 24| Father | Owner of Golden Wood Shop, a wood shop that specializes in making handmade furniture, Ava used to work here | the relationship between Ava and her father had it’s up and downs. They would heads often but that all changed when it was discovered that Hyun Ki had lung cancer since he had taken the habit of smoking since he was 17. Ava made the effort to spend more time with her dad and get to know him once she discovered he had cancer. The whole family was shocked when they figured out about his condition but not Hyun Ki, all he asked was when he could leave the hospital because he had a shop to run. He is currently in remission but still ha snot been cured of the lung cancer. He doesn’t show how much pain he is in or how lonely he feels now that his girls have left the nest.

Min Carmen | 44| Dec. 4 | Mother | Works alongside her husband at the shop | Ava and her mother had a stronger relationship than that of her father’s. She was the one who helped Ava when she was feeling down or angry. Carmen was the type of person who always thought before she spoke and picked her battles. She was a strong women who always put her family first. Although the marriage between Carmen and Hyun Ki wasn’t always perfect, she has tried her best to keep her family together. She works alongside her husband.

Family members: Min Lia | 23| March 6| Older Sister | Attending college in America | Ava and Lia have very similar personalities so they sometimes clash. One minute their laughing about a joke one of them said and the next they're about to bite eachother's heads off. Lia is someone who Ava looks up to dearly and goes to for advice | Since Ava is studying in the U.S Ava only gets to see her a couple times a year so she does miss her alot. They communicate through phone calls.

Family Background: Ava comes from a working class family. Her parent’s met when they were attending high school in America. The family stayed In America until the girl’s were teenagers and then left for Seoul where Ava’s dad opened up a wood shop.

Likes: She loves to get manicures and pedicures since it just makes her feel girly.
She is a history nerd. She likes to read up on different cultures and their history.
She likes to work on wood carvings and making wood animals. Her favorite is a big wild cat she made. Working on wood for some strange reason keeps her calm.
Whenever she can, she goes to her dad’s wood shop and cut out cute little animals for the members to wear as a charm on a necklace. Ava likes to surprise the girl's with these gifts.
She likes to beat boys in dance competitions because girls rule and boys drool.
She likes cats. Ava likes how cunning and lazy they are.
Ava loves mango more than any other fruit. She loves anything made out of mango because of the taste.
She likes to use the phrase “You know what I mean?” because she would say this phrase so often after she ended a sentence in English that she just transferred it to Korean.
Ava likes Rap, r&b and pop music because it was the music she grew up with.
She loves hand cream because it keeps her hands smooth.
She likes to wear red underwear because it's her favorite color and she feels lucky wearing red underwear
She loves cherry flavored lip balm because it's tasty. She always has cherry flavored lip balm in her pocket
-she loves to bake

Dislikes: Ava dislikes being woken up early since she likes her sleep
she doesn't like birds, she thinks they're annoying
She doesn't like it when people imitate her voice because they always exaggerate and make it higher
She doesn't like being alone in the dark because she feels like something is going to pop out and attack her.
She doesn't like pineapples because they hurt her tongue.
She doesn't like doing aegyo because it doesn't come naturally to her.
She doesn’t like aegyo in general unless it’s Zinger’s

Hates: -She hates when she is scolded in front of others
-she hates being bossed around
-she hates when people in front of her walk slow

Habits: -Whenever someone sneezes she says “Bless you” even if it’s someone walking down the street who she doesn’t know.
-giving people directions

Habits: Cursing in English whenever she messes up or is annoyed.
Another habit is challenging a person with authority, When someone has been appointed to give out orders, whether it was in a dance class or in school and Ava doesn’t feel like that person is strong enough to give orders she has the need to takeover

Trivia: -She is always drumming her fingers to some beat she has in her head
-Her favorite rappers are Yoon Mi Rae and Kanye West
She likes being called her English name, Ava more than her Korean name Ha Ra.
- she introduces herself as Ava to everyone since she doesn’t really like her Korean name, only her family calls her Ha Ra
-she knows how to work on wood to make carious shapes and things
-she goes to get her nails done with Hyoyeon of SNSD
-she can freestyle in both Korean and English although she is more comfortable rapping in English
-she was the wild child of her family
-she talks back to people when she really shouldn’t. She is trying to curb this though
-she is very competitive
-she always looks angry or very serious when walking to practice or stepping out of a car

|Let's Fly, Fly High|


Song Jieun | May 5| 22| Jieun is a very kind and caring person. She is someone who many people go to for advice or support. Although Ava isn’t as close to Jieun as she is with Zinger, Jieun is someone who Ava feels very safe with. Jieun was actually the one who helped Ava a lot with her vocal training

The BEST Friend:
Kim Hyoyeon | 22| September 22| Hyoyeon is hilarious, she can never be serious which Ava enjoys immensely. They both have the same humor and are always loud. | Ava looks up to Hyoyeon a lot. To Ava, Hyoyeon is a lot like her older sister and she respects her very much. They have a very close friendship even though they don’t get to see each other very often. They met when both of them attended the same nail salon.

Jung ‘Zinger’ Hana| 22| Feb. 2| Zinger is a very fun person to be around. She is very cute and funny. She knows when to have fun and mess around and when to be serious. She loves to tease people around her. Ava and Zinger have a very strong bond. . They always make plans to hangout and practice together, whether its singing, dancing or rapping. Zinger is someone who likes to push Ava into things she isn’t comfortable. When they are together they bicker a lot but that’s just how they are. One of Zinger’s most favorite things to do to Ha Ra is tick her off because she says ‘the things Ava says when she is angry are always funny and witty and very ‘American.'

Rival: Max 3. 
Lee ‘CL’ Chaerin | Feb. 26| 21| Cl is a very confidant person. CL oozes charisma. She is a powerful artist who knows how to work the stage. She can be both tough and cute.| Ava and CL have a very competitive relationship . Ava doesn’t like the fact that CL doesn’t really write her own raps, only some. Or the fact that when CL does ‘freestyle’ it’s just a rap she wrote before hand. Ava is trying to show how a real female rapper is suppose to be. Ava feels somewhat intimidated by her because even though Ava thinks CL is a weak rapper, CL will always be seen as ‘The Baddest Female in Seoul’ and she wants to take away that title from her and become the best female idol rapper.

|The Color in my Life|

Love interest/Husband: Shim Changmin

Age: 24

Birthday: February 24, 1988

Personality: He is very strong and resilient. He has many sides to him, he knows when to be serious and when to have fun. He takes his job very seriously and won’t settle for anything less than perfect. He does not take to kindly to people who show disrespect. He is a very sarcastic person and will choose food over anything.

How do you act around each other?: Ava doesn’t really like Changmin in the beginning because of their first encounter, she thinks he’s annoying and he thinks she is disrespectful and daring. They often exchange sarcastic and sharp words around each other. Very quickly though Ava begins to enjoy his humor.

How do you want to "meet" each other?: Ava had gotten the chance to visit Hyoyeon and have dance practice with her and some of the SM trainees.

Is it awkward at first?: Hell yeah. Well, not awkward more like tense. They basically insulted each other first.

How do you both "crack the ice?: They both like witty responses and will laugh whenever someone says something funny and so they began to ease into things when they realized they had the same humor.

Back up: Bang Yongguk



Personality: Yongguk is someone who has a very intimidating aura surrounding him. He is someone who just exudes power and confidence. But You’d think that someone as scary as him wouldn’t have such a warm smile but he does. He isn’t afraid to show his laid back side around s, though. He is someone who is caring and fun when the time calls for it. He takes his position as leader very seriously and his passion for music, specifically hip hop is easily seen. He has a dark sense of humor mixed with your typical guy ‘That’s what she said’ humor.
March 31, 1990
How do you act around each other?: Ava and Yongguk have a very easy going relationship. They are both interested in a lot of the same things so they feel very comfortable around each other.

|Hey, Can U Smile?|

What Company are you from?:

SM Entertainment

T.O.P Media

TS Entertainment

YG Entertainment

JYP Entertainment

Woollim Entertainment

How did you become a trainee?:

Trainee life & history: Ava had gotten the chance to freestyle at a competition and one of TS’s talent scouts saw her and asked her to go audition. Ava’s trainee life was the hardest thing she felt she had to go through. It was constant hard work. Ava had the most trouble with her singing lessons. It took a while for her voice to mature but with hard work her voice became one of the things she is most proud of. Ava had to have more practice with rapping in Korean since she could rap better in English than Korean. She was the trainee who was scolded the most.

What are you like with other trainees?: 

The Bossy One

The Umma

The Appa

The Little Sister

The Diva

The Trouble Maker

The Outcast

Why do you want to be on WGM?: Ava wants to be on WGM married because she wants have have more exposure for Hip hop in the idol world . She also wants to show more exposure to female rappers.

Comments + Suggestions?:

Scene requests: A scene where Ava forces Changmin to bake with her and a lot of bickering between the two.

Mission requests: Going shopping. Making a meal for close friends. I can’t really think of much for this one.

The password: wegotmarriedseason6  



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