Sometimes people are just..... GRRRR!!!

Okay so this is just a pointless rant... because I need to vent. So if you feel like reading it feel free and comment if you want. If not then whatever, getting this out will just make me feel better.

So what's bothering me... close-minded, opinionated people, thatS what!!!!

Well lets see, I'm from a small town of like 40 people (I know, TINY!!!) So this means that I have to deal with small town people. Don't get me wrong, I love small towns, but the people can really annoy me. How so? Well by not being able to think outside of their small minds. Like my two friends for example, they think everything that I like is stupid. I said that I liked Korean and Japanese music and they looked at me like I had a contagious disease. Then one of these 'friends' said that she didn't what to be friends with someone who likes such stupid things... GRRR MADE ME SOOO ANGRY!!! Then I suggested that we go to kareoke (a Korean kareoke bar... BEST THING EVER!!!) and as soon as I said that it was Korean, they refused.

Honestly, if you asked me why I like Korean music and dramas so much, I couldn't give a clear answer. I JUST DO. Korean entertainment is just AMAZING and attracts me. So just because my so-called friends think that it's weird and stupid, doesn't mean that I won't like it.

It just annoys me when people are so judgemental towards others... it just causes them to miss out on life. Some of my friends originally thought it was weird that I listened to Korean music and watched dramas, but after I showed it to them, they like it to. So close-minded people, IT IS YOUR LOSE!!!


There, I feel alot better now :)

porcelainheart15 OUT!!!


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