YG should share the light equally...

He always gives the light to C.l 

when it comes to talking in English,

when Bom & Dara can speak it well also.

It's not that I don't want C.l to stop talking in english

[i actually love it when she does] it's just that, 

im afraid when it comes to the U.S promotions everybody will love C.l 

more than the other members because they might think that she is the only who can speak english,

thus causing C.l to outshine the members.

I mean, Chaerin unnie has that badass front that pulls her out of the cutesy, good girl persona Korea likes.

And her style fits more into the American style...

Now, i could ramble on about all the other things on my mind about C.l one day outshining the members

but i just want to get my words out there.

I just don't want 2NE1 to be like 4Minute, with Hyuna outshining everybody else.


i want them to stay perfect.


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lonelybluemonster #1
It may not seem like it, but 2NE1 are actually a very shy group when it comes to interacting with other groups or during variety shows. Usually during Korean interviews Dara and CL tend to do most of the talking. In Japan, Minzy and CL do most of the talking, this is because they're more fluent in Japanese than Dara and Bom.

Interviews in English are different though.
For once, CL is the leader so the other girls respect her enough to let her answer all the questions. Of course, if asked directly, one of the other members will answer.
Second, Dara has a very strong Filipino accent when she speaks English. She's very conscious of this, which is why she refrains herself from speaking English. There have been a couple of incidents where they have asked her directly a question in English and she started answer in English, then suddenly becomes shy and finishes her answer in Korean. In which either CL or a translator translates into English.
Regardless of popular belief, Bom is also shy when it comes to interviews. As I said before, she respects CL enough to be leader and answer in behalf of her and in behalf of 2NE1. Is not that Bom can't understand or she can't answer in English, she is just shy in general. I remember an interview they had in Singapore last year, Bom was asked a question in English and she replied in English. Unlike Dara, Bom has no problem speaking English. She is just shy about speaking during interviews.
Minzy, well, Minzy's English is not that great. I'm sure she is still learning and is not confident enough to speak English during interviews.

If you watched 2NE1's interview in Cannes from the Cannes Festival from earlier this year, you'll see that Dara is getting more comfortable during interviews in English, as she is now able to answer completely in English.

Maybe by the time the girls get to the US, they'll all be comfortable enough to answer questions in English. =]
THIS. omfg .-. this may seems random of me commenting... x] but I totally agree with all of this. I've noticed that lately it's always been CL speaking English. . . :x On 2NE1 TV you can see Bom speaking English fluently when she went to back to the states and visited Berklee or when Bom was promoting Don't Cry. I remember her vaguely doing a shout out vid to the BJs to check out her new single and that it's on iTunes... Dara can speak English as well it could be seen during her Philippine days...

This blog post took the words right of my mouth~ ^^;