Sweet Pea Application

Sweet Pea Application


Intro: Annyeong~ The troublesome general has arrived~ Choi Jangnun imnida.

Username: angelzs2

Profile Link: Link

Activeness: 8! 10 to 8 because of school... :(

Character's name: Choi Jangnun

Age: 17

D.O.B: 28 February 1995

Height: 164 cm

Weight: 46 kg

Bloodtype: O

Birthplace: Seoul

Hometown: Seoul

Ethinicity / Nationality: Korean

Languages: Korean; she's obviously Korean, Japanese (fluent); because she went to Japan and grown a to the language, English (Conversational); because she thought the language was cool (and also because the language is one of the most common language.

Extra: Nothing?

Ulzzang's name: Kim Shinyeong

HQ pics: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Back-Up Ulzzang: Author-nim is picking, remember? xD

HQ pics: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5  

Extra: Normally has a wristband on her right wrist and a diamond bracelet (which she bought in JPN) on her left.

Personality: Jangnun is your average innocent-looking annoying girl. Under her innocent look is the most annoying person you will ever find. No one can match her skills but she knows when to stop. That also goes with her witty tongue. She knows how sharp her tongue is (from experience) so she tends to bite her tongue. She ususally bites her tongue so hard that it sometimes would slightly bleed. (Thus the reaosn why she hates biting her tongue) She is the person who the group members turn to if they're bored as she'll start mocking people. She pretends to be the general (in this sense, their manager). She can copy things extremely well, varying from people to artwork. She can perfectly copy people's facial expression, body posture and tone (of voice). Artwork she can copy nearly everything (if she's in the mood for it). She may seem harsh and annoying but underneath all that, she helps others... in her own ways.

Background: Jangnun and her family went to Japan for a short vacation, where she was introduced to ninjas and weapons. Her favourites showered her with love when she was young and they still do except just slightly less. They still give her advice and lead her onto the correct path if she's ever lost.

Likes: Ninjas, weapons, snow, causing trouble and getting away with it, sunshine, fantasy, the colour: pale turqoise. YAY!

Dislikes: Lines (impaitent peresonality pops in here), weak remarks, biting her tongue, confusion, people who disturb her reading time, girls who cake their face with make up and stuck-up two-face b- er, you know what I mean. 

Hobbies: Annoying people, copying drawings, popping out of no where (ninja style) , sleeping and reading

Habits: Targets manager most of the time when mocking/copying, listening to music when angry, her lips when nervous, biting the inside of her lips when bored and the corners of her lips twitch whenever she's happy

Fear/Trauma: Being dressed up in heavy make up and girly girly things (Excluding simple dresses)

Trivia: Jangnun's favourite food consists of sushi and take away food while her favourite drink would be smoothies and slushies. Her priced prossessions are the sherriff badge she recieved at the age of three and her first set of headphones that she recieved for her eighth birthday. Is secretly in the world's record as the annoying people in the world. Is impaitent and bossy because of the 'Jang' in her name. Is the best in copying and mocking people, no one can compare to her skills. Doesn't show her happiness that easily unless it comes to annoying people.

Talents / Specialty: Annoying people and her copying skills

Extra: Wears contacts ouside (performing & fanmeetings & such) and glasses inside (dorms).

Parents: Choi Hana | 43 & 02 January 1969 | retired-hairdresser | Stern but loving
Choi Haehyun | 44 & 10 June 1968 | Carpenter | Slightly less stern than the mother and chidlish.

Best Friend: Bang Yongguk | 22 & 31 March 1990 | He acts how he looks, stubborn leader-like and sometimes slightly rough but when it comes to Jangnun, he's chidlish like a child wanting candy. This only appears when he's only with her. | B.A.P

Rival: Noneeeeeeeeeee~

Love of your life: B.A.P's Moon Jongup

Age & D.O.B: 17 & 6 February 1995

Love Status: Crush

How did you guys meet? Being best friends with Yongguk, was where Jangnun met Jongup. She still hung around him (Yongguk) even after he debuted that they sometimes snuck off somewhere. One of those time was when she was at an ice-cream store buying some and accidently bumping into no one other than Jongup. The ice-cream fell onto his shirt that it instantly soaked his shirt showing his puuuuuuuurr-fect abs. She blushed slightly and excused herself, not use to seing guys' half- that is. After that, the image wouldn't get out of her brain (disturbing or not but it still happened) that it convinced that she had a teensy tinyyyyyyyyyyyy crush on him. 


Back up Lover:  EXO-K's Oh Sehun


Age & D.O.B: 18 & 12 April 1994

Love Status: Crush

How did you guys meet? When EXO-K came over to Sweet Pea's dorm, they played a game to get to konw each other better. Jangnun was quiet until Suho asked her what her talent was. Before she could answer the 'panda' said that she was good at mocking and copying people. Thus making it lead for her to copy Sehun and his adorable lisp. To which she obviously perfected. She found out it adorable how he smiled shyly and looked away in embrassment. There was were the crush began.


If you can have a kid... who would it be: Author-nim can choose. ^^

Scene Request:

Anything else:

Stage name: G-Snow

Persona: Troublesome General


Main vocals, dancer

Main Dancer, rapper

Main Rapper, dancer

Main Vocals, rapper

Main Dancer, vocals

Main Rapper, vocals

Your Character:

Ze Umma - Cooks and takes care of the rest of the members

Ze Appa - Have a strong OTP with Ze Umma, leads the other members by disciplining

Ze Kiddo - The one who follows the others, does aegyo & gets what she wants

Ze Sissy - one who is strategic at housework and bosses members

Ze random pet / Panda - the lazy one who can't be bothered to do things

Ze Oppa - the one who makes trouble and gets away with things

Songs you want to include in the album: Like A Wave - Hello Venus?

Why should I choose you: Yes, I comment for EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER. xD Well... From the moment I subscribed that is. But yeah, I'll also give you A LOOOOOT of support! <3 HWAITING!

Questions + Request + Comments + Anything Else: In the intro, general comes from 'Jang' while 'nun' means snow so... Basically it's General Snow. LOL Oh and, I'm sorry I took forever with this application. You know why I couldn't do it. :(

The Password:

Jongup -

Sehun - image


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