Be My Pet?


Username: cindychanx3
Name: Cindy Lee JinAe
Age: 21
Birthday: November 7, 1990
Generally, I am a bubbly and cheerful person, using aegyo every now and then. I’m optimistic in any situation and always have a smile on my face. I believe in laughter being contagious and try my hardest to brighten people’s days. It’s really easy to make me smile and I get cheered up by the smallest of things. I’m playful and I’m pretty much a kid-at-heart. When there is something bothering me, though, I can't focus on other things and tend to zone out completely.
When I’m given a task, I try my hardest to complete it. I’m neither a perfectionist nor an overachiever, but I don’t like disappointing people. Every time I get in trouble or do something wrong, I have an urge to cry or hide away because I feel bad.
I like being around people, but I feel awkward when I’m the center of attention. I hate the feeling of being babyed and pampered by my peers; it makes me feel really awkward around them. Hypocritically, though, I liked babying others and taking care of them. Especially around my close friends younger than me, my “umma” side comes out.
I'm really dedicated to and protective over my family and friends and wouldn't think twice to stand up for them, as long as no violence is involved. I try to be a good friend to my peers though. I’m very trustworthy and would take
secrets to the grave, unless in dire situations. I like helping people, sometimes to the point where I spend all my time worrying about others.
Even though I was raised in a rich family, my parents taught me to be modest and not show off my wealth. I’ve had maids and butlers at my beck and call, but I still do chores around the house. I don’t like abusing my father’s wealth or power, so I tend to stay behind the scene. 
I’m not the smartest person out there, but I have the common sense to make up for it. I get good grades in school because I study really hard the night before.  I don’t work too well under pressure, but usually I come through. I like working with a team more than being alone – I have a deep fear of being abandoned or being hurt by the very people I trust. That’s why it’s easy for me to make friends, but it takes me a while to fully trust someone (and, subsequently, fall in love).
I forgive, but I don’t always forget. I don’t like confrontations, so unless I see it with my own eyes, I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I despise crying, and I hate seeing others cry, so I try not to. Even though my heart might be breaking into a million pieces or I feel like crawling into a whole, I just fake a smile and turn away. I rarely get really upset; but when I do, I might stay that way for a while. However, after I get over it, it's like nothing ever happened.
Clothing Style:
Group Position: Main Dancer, Sub-Vocal | Main Vocal, Sub-Dancer
fluent: Korean, Chinese, Japanese, English
conversational: French, Spanish
Any talents?:
- I know how to play the piano, guitar, violin,  flute, harp and haegum (traditional Korean instrument). 
- I can dance ballet, hip hop, jazz, ballroom and freestyle. I know how to dance other styles, just not as well.
- I am very flexible, comparable to f(x)’s Victoria.
- I am a decent actress and know how to cry on the spot.
Family Members:
father Lee Jin
mother Yamaa Yuki
brother Lee JinHo
Family Background:
I was born and raised in New York City to a Korean-Chinese father (Lee Jin) and a Japanese mother (Yamaa Yuki). My father was the CEO of the New York branch of a family company and my mother was a performer on Broadway. When I was 15, my grandfather wanted my father to return to Korea to take over the main branch in Seoul. (We also have branches in Los Angeles, Tokyo, Beijing, London and Moscow.) My grandfather also wanted to my mother to quit her job. She did, for the sake of her children; now, she runs her own dance studio and choreographs for Kpop idols and singers. I also have an older brother, Lee Jinho (OC, 25 years old).
My father and my brothers are very overprotective of me, they’ve been used to supposed “friends” who just wanted to use them for their personal gain. My Jinho-oppa is a black belt in mixed martial arts and taekwondo and would not hesitate to beat someone up if they make me cry. He’s very caring and I can pretty much talk to him about anything. He also gives me the best advice about school, love and life in general. My mother also loves me a lot, but isn’t as protective as my father because she wants me to live the life I want to live.
Ever since I was young, I attended private schools that educated me in both academics and the arts (due to my mother’s influence). My grandfather and father are strict and traditional and require me to do well in school. I had to excel in academics and learned how to sing, dance, play instruments and choreograph.  I usually focus on the piano, harp and traditional Korean instruments in music and Korean traditional dancing, ballet, hip hop and freestyle dancing in dance class. In general, I lived a happy life with my parents and brothers, with nothing majorly dramatic or depressing happening.
Partner: Yoon Doojoon | Yang Yoseob | Lee Gikwang
How he acts towards you?
Even though he’s known as the “Boyfriend-Idol,” he’s very awkward around me when we first meet. When we spend more time together, it becomes less awkward between us. Doojoon actually fell in love with me at first sight, but he didn’t know how to tell me or his bandmates. In the end, we become very close. He became someone I can go to when I have problems and he comes to me for advice or just to talk. 
Big Bang’s T.O.P
MBLAQ’s Thunder
KARA’s Hara
4minute’s Jiyoon
-sweets + chocolate
-strawberry-anything (ice cream!) & red bean popsicles
-cute things (i.e. stuffed animals, cellphone charms)
-children (babies!)
-playgrounds (swings!) + amusement parks (ferris wheels!)
-sunny days + the smell after it rains + rainbows
-pastel colors
-smiles + laughter
-getting sick
-backstabbers, liars, cheaters, posers/wannabes
-being scolded
-rain/stormy weather (especially thunder)
-being left alone/abandoned 
-water (almost drowned in a pool when I was 5)
-horror/violent/gory movies
-haunted houses + drop towers
-listening to music
-playing instruments
-cooking/learning new recipes
-watching tv/dramas & movies
-photography/scrapbooking + taking selcas
-collecting glass figurines
-collecting stuffed animals
- I stutter or shift my eyes when I try to lie on the spot.
- I speed-talk if I’m nervous. And I play with my hair, usually by tucking it behind my ear.
- I bite my bottom lip when I’m thinking hard or when I’m concentrated.
- I twirl my hair, bat my eyes, swing side-to-side and playfully hit someone when doing aegyo.
- I squeak when I get scared (or poked on the sides – I’m really ticklish).
- I bite the rims of cups and straws or zone out when I get bored.
- I easily get cheered up with strawberry ice cream or red bean popsicles.
- I dance until I drop when I’m stressed or when I can’t sleep.
- I always put on headphones when I get into the car, even if I’m not listening to anything.
- I write about my day and feelings in a journal that I keep in my bag. 
band name: XOXO; fanclub: Hugs and Kisses
- I have A type blood.
- I am allergic to shellfish and nuts.
- I have a birthmark the shape of a heart on my right ankle.
- I almost drowned in a pool when I was 5 because my brother was joking around. He's protective of me because he still blames himself for almost killing me.
- Due to my protective father, I’ve never had a boyfriend since birth.
-flower: cherry blossom + red rose
-food: sushi; Alaska Roll
-dessert: strawberry ice cream
-drink: Watermelon Icee
-movie: Titanic
-color: cherry blossom pink
-idol group: Super Junior
-foreign artist: Taylor Swift


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