The Love Guru App



aff name: ddred88

aff link: profile 

The Personals

name: Min Ava

age: 20

height: 157cm

weight: 50kg

where you live: Incheon

personality: Ava style is a mixture of urban chick and girly girl. She can be both intimidating and sweet. She seems cold at first since it takes a while for her to open up to you but once she has, she is friendly, funny and loud. Ava is definitely a rebel, always has been. She got her first tattoo when she was 17 with her sister’s consent. Her parent’s almost killed her. Ava doesn’t think much of her rebellious nature since she thinks it’s not a big deal as long as she doesn’t end up hurting others. One of her worst traits is the fact that she is far to challenging and hot headed. If she feels like something she is doing or seeing is wrong, she will call that out and a lot of the time the company doesn’t like it. Ava finds it very hard to take orders since she feels like she is inferior for some reason, she basically doesn’t like someone having the upper hand. She’s the type of person who gets annoyed very easily but it doesn’t always turn into full blown anger. She usually has good control over her anger since it goes away fairly quickly but when she does get angry it is quite scary since she has a very quick and sharp tongue and always needs to have the last word.

She has a dark, weird, awkward American sense of humor and doesn't hide it. Since her humor is very American sometimes she comes of as unlady like which bothers her IMMENSELY. Ava actually has a very girly side to her so when she feels like people perceive her as a tomboy and ‘one of the boys’ it bothers her for days. She thinks that if she is known as one of the guys no male will ever think of her in a romantic light and will approach her because they see her as too manly or an oddity so she always has her nails fixed and her hair taken care of, she takes good care of her skin but she doesn’t think she needs to be any lighter. It’s kind of funny just how much she worries about her appearance, you wouldn’t think she was the type of person who cared about how she looked and was worried about boys when you saw her acting all intimidating

She tries to get along with everyone when she first meets you. She can be reserved in the beginning since it always takes a while for her to warm up to someone unless she feels that instant click with you. It’s very easy to get on her bad side, she doesn’t like it when people try to pretend like they know her or can talk about her like they’ve been friends forever when she has just met you. With her small group of friends she is loud and somewhat warm towards them. She finds it very hard for herself to show how she is feeling and to show love. She’s that friend who you have to force into a group hug and will make a face and try to pry herself away immediately.

likes: -mangos and tangerines
-going to a salon
- cherry lip balm
-listening to hip hop, r&b and pop music
-hand cream
-wearing red underwear

dislikes: -being woken up early, she has mentioned it many times while doing her videos how she hates it when she has to wake up early
-she doesn’t like it when her nails haven’t completely dried and she messes up her nails
-she doesn’t like birds, they think they’re annoying
-she doesn’t like when people imitate her voice because they usually exaggerate it and make it ten times higher
-she hates when people in front of her walk slow since she’s a fast walker
She hates being bossed around. She bosses people, it’s not the other way around

hobbies: buying nail polishes, the last time she counted them, she had 34 bottles of nail polish

fears: -being alone in the dark
- scary movies

any jobs/colleges you are currently attending: Ava is working part time at a bakery while also attending classes at a community college in Incheon

trivia: Ava applies cream many times a day
-she finishes a lot of her sentences with ‘You know what I mean?”
-she lived in America until she was 16 when her parents decided to move back to South Korea
-She tend sot keep her nails a short length but when someone suggests Ava do a video on how to do a certain design on longer nails she asks one of her friends to be a hand model.
-She curses in English whenever she is annoyed or pissed
-She tends to talk back to people a lot
-she has 2 tattoos
- she has her ears and tongue pierced

            (How her current nails look like)

The Looks

ulzzang name: Im Da Hye

ulzzang pictures: 001 002 003 004 005 006 

back up: Jung Moa

Casual: 001 002 003 004 005 006  
Night Club: 001 002 003 004 

The Guru

youtube job: Nail Guru

how did you find this passion?: Ava’s had her nails done for the first time when she was 13. Her older sister, Lia was going to attend prom and let Ava tag along with her to the salon. Ava was so captivated by all the glossy bottles of nail polishes and the nail designs the salon had in their option book that she begged Lia to let her get a manicure. Ava asked the manicurist every question she had. When Ava and Lia went home that day, Ava announced that she would be getting another manicure in 2 weeks and that no one was going to stop her. She became a loyal customer and the women their were so taken by her that they offered to give her lessons.

how long have you been doing this?: She has been doing nail designs since she was 14 but she started posting videos on Youtube when she was 18

where do you get your inspiration?: Ava gets most of her inspiration from abstract art. She loves to do crazy, complicated design but she also loves to do cute, popular things like flowers or animal prints.

The Love

love interest: Kim Himchan

personality: Himchan is pretty full of himself. He knows he is good looking and likes to flaunt it. He is as greasy as they come and isn't afraid to show it. His friends usually describe him as someone who likes to take care of people and hover over them but they also describe him as an idiot.

Does he go to school/work?: Himchan just graduated college. He is working at a music store.

how would you like to meet?: At a club.

how do you act around each other?: Ava isn’t very fond of Himchan in the beginning. She rolled her eyes so many times during their first meeting. That doesn’t mean she didn’t laugh though. She does give him a hard time at first though.

what are the first main features you see when you look at him?: His eyes.

Second Love interest: Bang Yongguk

Thank You!

anything else?:

any scene suggestions?:
I’m not sure if you’re planning on doing this already but maybe all the girls you chose can meet at like a brunch the convention has or something like that and they just click.


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