M does not translate to .

"Because there was no ! Not that i wanted any!! Bleh"


Are you ing kidding me right now. That's soo two faced O_O.
And yes, when I saw that it was rated M my first thoughts were how is she going to fit into this. Is... Is Yixing going to move that quickly with Junmian?? How the hell is the author going to wrap this all together in one chapter.

But after reading it, I'm glad it didn't have such things. I'm imagining her chapter was wrongly categorized like it was to many other people's stories after AFF had that server misshap.


But seriously anways, how could you have been expecting at a moment like this in the story? I, for one, don't expect any at any moment of the story really.


Unless, of course, Zitao goes to talk to Yifan about what Xiumin said and then maybe word gets out to Xing and, i don't know. He comes up with some master plan and decides to get Junmian pregnant. Which, anyways, I don't think the author would be giving us all the details and would just skip to the Emperor giving knews about the pregnancy or Junmian catching Zitao alone to tell him the news.


In conclusion, not every single fic needs  to be considered a good fic.

I'd rather have a fic clean of than have a fic with uncomfortably placed .

.... rantrant.


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