✰ APPLICATION ::: character name here

glitterati application form 

(picture of you here)

stage name here


your name (what you would like me to call you)

your profile link (in a hyperlink s’il vous plaît)


full name (what would be on your character’s birth certificate)

birthdate / age (17 - 23, mm/dd/yyyy format)

ethnicity (anything, but don't go too crazy; max. a mix of three races)

appearance (the name of the ulzzang / model & 3+ links, also the name of your backup)

personal style (a description of your clothing style and any extras you might have like piercings, tattoos and things of the sort) 

background (be descriptive, include why you decided to join the k-pop industry) 

personality (be descriptive, but make sure your character's traits are really defined; don't make your character too hard to understand) 

position (see list; choose one and a backup)  

family (mother, father, any siblings you might have, as well as close family members. idol relations are allowed, but make sure it makes sense, as in you can’t have jonghyun and key both be your brothers, and if you take jessica, you have krystal as well. either way, write if they are alive or not, their occupation, their relation to you and a brief paragraph for each on their personality and how you act with each other)

friends (2+; you can also put in ocs, but either way, write a brief paragraph for each on their personality, how you act with each other, and how you guys became friends. if they are ocs, write down what occupation they have)

rivals (1+; you can also put in ocs, but either way, write a brief paragraph for each on how you act with each other and why you two are rivals. if they are ocs, write down what occupation they have)

love interests (one, plus a backup or two; write a brief description for each on their personality, how you two met / will meet and how you currently act with each other) 

requests (pets, scenes, siblings, ideas, song suggestions, etc.) 

comments / anything else (anything you’d like to say?)




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