- Fifteen Day OTP Challenge ♥ [Day Twelve] [Boy/Girl]

- Day Twelve; iest moment of your OTP:





[Link to moment] - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slmZ8El64Yg


- The moment I was specifically talking about, was the end; but actually, the entire water event was probably it as well. Just look at them when they interract, they're SO comfortable with each other; it's crazy. I especially love that moment when he holds onto her back so she doesn't fall down too hard, that was effing ADORABLE. And all this 'touching' of each other, was so much for me to handle; no lie. She was pretty much on his head the entire time, and he grabbed her waist; oijasldkjfoaijfajsdf;asjf. But, my favorite is at the end; when Krystal goes in to feed him. Notice when her hand goes towards him, he grabs it and holds onto it instead? Yeah, I effing screamed. And she still fed him, WHILE THEY WERE HOLDING HANDS. Yeah, okay; let me cry of perfection, kbye. 


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