Help Nichiren --- The Owner and Creator of Asianfanfics ^_^


Do you all know why this site exists?
 I bet some of you don't so I will tell you why we can be on this site. The owner of this site has developed Asianfanfics for his girlfriend. Said girlfriend DIED one year later because of pneumonia. But he said he would keep this site running and he would improve it as good as possible. For HER. To keep her memory alive. To let this part, the site, last if she can't  Then errors developed from time to time. And we started complaining. "What about our stories?" "Why has everything just disappeared?" "When will we get our things back?" "Can't you do this faster?!" 
DEFINITION OF Pneumonia : 1. inflammation of the lungs with congestion.
2. Also called lobar pneumonia. an acute disease of the lungs, caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae  and characterized by fever, a cough with blood-tinged phlegm, and difficult breathing.
He's trying his best. He's fighting for us. For this site. For his girlfriend in some ways. We shouldn't be complaining. It won't lead anywhere. We should be glad this site exists instead of saying what we would like to have changed!
Because do you know the latest problems? It was said that the developer of AFF was sued because of some kids who have come to a rated story and told their parents and now their mother sued him. Maybe he won't be able to keep this site running.
To be honest with you...those kids is some dumb-asses for ignoring the warning and being such a for telling his parents that. 

The owner and creator of Asianfanfics is called Jason, and this link is his account ^_^ :

This is his interview:" THIS IS JASON'S INTERVIEW.

My personal message to everyone : Hey Guys~! YOU HAVE to repost this... YOU HAVE to help Jason FIGHT for this site. And you have to help him fight for his girlfriend. Without this site, what do you guys think you'd be doing now? I WOULDN'T HAVE AN AMAZING LIFE WITHOUT ASIANFANFICS!

COME ON! Write on Nichiren wall and tell him how much you appreciate ALL HIS HARD WORK. Without him, our imaginations and stories wouldn't be developed and shown to other couple-shippers around this world. THANK YOU JASON!!


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kim_exolover #1
Are those people crazy?? They should first read the warning before reading rated stories. Without asianfanfics i could not have shown my love for hunhan and read cute fluffy stories, i really like asianfanfics . I really really appreciate Jason. Asianfanfics is the best!!!!!!!!