▊B.U.N.N.I.E.S Application


Name: Lee Sungjin
Nicknames: Sung Sung / Jinnie
Age: 19 years old
Birthday: 1/4/1993
Height: 5 feet and 1 inch
Weight: 115 lbs.
Ethnicity: Korean
[Father] Jacob Lee | 54 years old | Missing
[Mother] Melody Lee | 54 years old | Missing
[Older Brother] Lee | 21 years old | Alive
[Older Twin Brother] Lee | 19 years old | Alive
(Let me know if you want personalities too)
ual Orientation: Straight

When you meet her, she seems really cold, calm, and extremely quiet, but if you become a really close friend, she's actually rather hyper and loud. Unfortunately, you have to be an EXTREMELY close friend for her to act this way. When she's by herself in front of strangers or a large crowd it's as if she's lost all train of thought. Basically, she has a huge case of stage fright in front of people/strangers; it's even worse if she's put into the spotlight in front of a crowd. Similarly, no one knows she's hyper or loud at all; though most people usually come to the conclusion that she’s either mysterious or stuck-up. Ask any friend of hers and they'll tell you people always ask why Sungjin is so quiet while the friend just sheepishly smiles knowing it's no use explaining. Also, she tends to settle with "behind-the-scenes" work, many times letting other people take the credit for her hard work; her specilty is working with any electronics, especially the computer, but she at video games. However, one of her strongest points is her observation skills in which she is very precise when assessing a person or situation.

Still, her shyness is definitely a problem. In addition, she is the farthest from being a risk-taker. Those two qualities combined becomes pretty disabling for her. She still has a lot to show—she has very unique ideas and is quite the master with words—but her lack of boldness and confidence obviously fails her. Also, despite her age, and having never been in a relationship before, she’s a great old sister type who gives great advice—so much so, that sometimes people mistake her for being older because of her “wise” life and relationship advice.

Besides her flaws, she does have accompanying strong qualities about her: loyalty and trust. Some might say she is just innocent in this aspect, but she believes everyone is a decent person upon first meeting, giving everyone she meets the same level of her trust. This level of trust is her basic, scratch of the surface, guarded trust (as in she doesn't believe you're out to get her, or you have a reason to lie to her when giving her facts, but guarded in the sense that she will rarely tell you much about her). However, when you gain her trust, which is quite difficult to obtain (that guarded part is rather strong), she becomes an extremely loyal friend. Still, if you give her one clear action of doubt, that trust she has given you shatters, extreme loyalty gone...she can drop you off her friend list like a hot potato.

Even though she’s great at hiding what she really feels, and though people compliment her on her great ability of acting naturally, Sungjin has a playfully short temper. Although she likes to make facial expressions, she’s really good at controlling them. For example, have a “Who-Smiles-First-is-the-Loser-Contest”, and you’ll lose hands down. I must warn you though: uses sarcasm/witty remarks; extremely stubborn when she wants things to go her way; she can be a rather bitter, negative person in a semi-evil way. Lastly, she's a very realistic girl...not the type to believe in fairy tales; sure she daydreams and has a very creative mind, but when it comes to viewing the real world and her future, she's not the type think her life is that of a fairytale princess.


Sungjin was born into a wealthy/affluent family with two older brothers, one of which is her twin. Her family owned a major, large-scale department store (electronics, fashion, & cosmetics). Her education consisted of studying in Hong Kong for 1st-3rd grade, Tokyo for 4th-6th grade, California for 7th-10th grade, and finally to Seoul for the last two years of high school and currently for college. Although she was never growing up in her hometown, she was always accompanied by her older twin brother--the two going to school together.

Being from a wealthy family, Sungjin was expected to marry the son of another highly-established company in order to secure business relationships. This is a fact that she knows and accepts; after all, she’s not going to be some wishful girl thinking her prince charming is going to appear one day and her parents are going to accept it. Besides, she’s never fallen in love so she doesn’t think finding her “one true love” is going to happen anyway; maybe there will be someone to prove her wrong, but until that time, she’s not going to bother fighting against her parents.

However, that world all came tumbling down: another rival company tried to destroy and bring down their family company (by making false rumors about their products, infiltrating their employees with spies, etc.) and after several years trying to combat an unknown attacker, her parents suddenly disappeared. Not even the family company's ties to the mafia for added protection that hired secuirity/police can't really handle in any underground attack on the company could stop the falling of the company. Still, the mafia used the family company as a funding source and although no longer used as a funding source, the mafia still has loyalty towards the family.

It's been 2 years since then and she and her siblings have been deemed orphans. As for their family company, each of her siblings and herself weren't able to hold onto the company, they didn't have enough background, education, or resources as teens. Although they've only recently been deemed orphans, company shares and stocks were redistributed and job titles rearranged. However, even though they are orphans now, they still own some percentage of the company, not much since they never reached the potential yet to build up their individual shares/stocks, but with the 3 of them combined, they still own roughly 20% of the company.

[1] Bookstores
[2] Organization
[3] Peace & quiet
[4] Cool weather (breezy, chilly, rain)
[5] Mango pudding & melon flavored drinks
[6] Anything cute
[1] Being tickled (ticklish) or teased about her height
[2] Not being occupied (her imagination will run and scare her)
[3] Talking on the phone with people (even if it’s a best friend or family member, she finds it the most awkward thing to do)
[4] Sports, mostly those that involve running (sweating...)
[5] Death (hates thinking about & is easily scared)
[6] Coffee (hates the taste)
[7] Drugs, drinking, cussing
[1] Reading
[2] Taking walks in crowded city streets
[3] Listening to music (she is almost always seen wearing headphones)
[4] Surfing the internet
[5] Studying Asian cultures
[6] Snacking
[7] Observing people
[8] Not talking
[9] Origami
[1] Switching languages mid-sentence
[2] Bugging people until they go her way
[3] Running away when she sees a bug
[4] When deep in thought, she mumbles to herself or reads out loud (when she believes no one is around)
[5] Avoiding the pool and going biking (she can't swim nor bike...)
[1] She has never had a boyfriend
[2] Plays violin and piano
[3] Despite her personality, once she's very close to you, she comfortable with skinship (just doesn't initiate it)
[4] Knows calligraphy
[5] er for guys playing with little kids
Jobs: Sound Manager at club Mask
Persona: Deceiving Wallflower
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style:
She has the typical Asian girl hair style - long, straight-like hair. The length of her hair reaches to the middle of her back, and bangs semi-grown out along with the rest of her hair reaching down almost to her chin. Sungjin generally leaves her hair down, but also styles it every now and then. However, she never puts it in a ponytail because she thinks it makes her look like a boy; she'll do pigtails, but if it looks like a ponytail its most likely held up by a clip or a really messy one so that hair slightly falls to either side of her face. Lastly, if you were to doll her up curls don't hold very well and she refuses to use hair spray; she's okay with curls, they just don't say for long and easily droop and straighten after only a few hours.
Eyes: Dark brown and wears glasses when she's not on the job; has been wearing glasses since she was in 1st grade (wears contacts when she's working)
Overal Appearance:
She’s fairly on the short side, only standing just below the 5’1” mark. She has the “average” Asian girl appearance—round, baby face, one dimple on her right cheek, and long, straight-like, black hair. Her eyes are a dark brown, almost black and she usually wears glasses unless instructed to wear contacts (or when it's needed & generally glasses in the comfort of her own home and contacts when in the public's eye). She almost never wears makeup, and generally when dressed casually, wears hoodies and jeans combined with either converse or heels, but oddly enough, is not considered a tomboy.
Piercings: 2 piercings, one on each ear
Tattoo's: None
Position: S - Silver Fox - the technique mastermind
Well first off she has always been interested in computers and technology. If someone is ever stuck with technological issues, Sungjin is the one everyone goes to. She's very good with solving technological problems and knows her way around in a very logical manner that others don't know. Secondly, by this time now she would be in college, but with what happened with her parents, she's not. However, if she were, she would be an Informatics major - the study of human interaction with computers.
TOP(S): (ordered left to right from how often she wears it to occasionally; some of the products themselves aren't made of leather, but just pretend they are?) [corset] | [lace sleeves] | [cut-off tank] | [blouse/shirt]
BOTTOM(S): [pants] | [shorts - they just look like a skirt, but they're really shorts] | [skirt with shorts underneath - certain situations call for a skirt or when she's feeling "girly"; the skirt's design is perfect to easily slip out of with the zipper if running proves to be too difficult...which is why shorts underneath are helpful (there's a convenient pocket on the front of the skirt as well for her cellphone because after all, she's an electronics geek that needs some sort of computer to help the group out)]
JACKET(S): (ordered left to right from how often she wears it to occasionally) [1 - most often] | [2 - sometimes] | [3 - occasionally] | [vest - rarely and the only top article she'll wear if she's wearing this]
ACCESSORIES: [necklace] | [wristwatch - only occasionally wears it and on her right wrist] | [ring duo - wears it on the middle and ring finger on her right hand] | [bracelet 1 - always on her left wrist] | [bracelet 2 - wears it on her right wrist when not wearing the watch; wears it more often than the watch] | [triple headband - uses it to keep her hair out of the way when on the job] | [earrings 1 - usually wears this pair] | [earrings 2 - only occasionally wears it when not wearing the other pair]
Weapon: I don't know if this counts bust since she's into eletronics, a built in tazer into her duo ring (photo found under attire); I mean a taser does exsist, but built into a ring technically doesn't right? If you want me to change this let me know; she's also no that physically strong so a tazer is pretty useful XD
Partner: Kim Myungsoo/L (Infinite) or Jung Jinyoung (B1A4)
Partner's job: Undercover police officer
Not having had time to herself for far too long, Sungjin decided to head to the closest cafe and give herself a nice short walk around the city streets at night. After purchasing a cup of her favorite vanilla bean drink, Sungjin headed out of the cafe earphones plugged to her ears and just as soon as she turned the corner she bumped into her love interest and her drink flew out of her hands. In some miraculous movement, he somehow caught her drink before it fell. However, just as quickly as he caught her drink, the two heard a "Look, it's her! Get her!" followed subsequently by three men grabbing her. What was later revealed was that her love interest was on a case/mission to find out and protect a girl from being kidnapped by a mafia group. Having realized at that moment that she was the mafia's target, he ended up saving her, well rather preventing her from being kidnapped right in front of him. Successfully adverting the attempted kidnap, her love interest had unexpectedly completed his mission. As mentioned previously in her family background above, her family does indeed have some ties to a mafia group. However, the mafia group trying to kidnap her were not the ones her family were associated with, but instead they were a rival mafia group who had decided to get at her family's mafia group by targeting one of their clients: her. The irony is that he saved her when she herself is technically a criminal being in a gang and all.
Victoria of f(x)
Jiyeon of T-ara
Minhwan of FT Island
Minhyuk of CN Blue
Woohyun of Infinite
Victoria - She was the first person she met when she was wandering the more gang parts of the streets one day and although they're not in the same gang they're still pretty close with each other
Jiyeon - Growing up they were best friends despite Sungjin having studied abroad quite often (both families were part of the wealthy elite)
Minhwan & Minhyuk are her brothers' best friends, so it's as if she has four brothers now
Woohyun - He's like the playboy of the high class and like Sungjin's best guy friend who still tries to hit on her; even after her family's fall through he still treats her as a friend and always tries to help her out
Joon of MBLAQ
Joon - Upon first meeting Sungjin never liked him right off the bat. He's the son of a wealthy family who, at least among the children of the wealthy, know that he has friends in gangs and is known as a playboy just like Woohyun, but something about him Sungjin just never liked and is always annoyed by him
IU/Jieun - She's a fellow police officer alongside Sungjin's love interest. In a way they aren't technically rivals except for the fact that Sungjin is always secretly envious of IU for being so close with her love interest (she doesn't think she being jealous since she's never been in love, but yeah .___.)
Pets - none
Past Partners - none
Children - none
Frequent Item(s) - a simple 24 karat gold chain bracelet on her right wrist given to her by her great grandmother (she ALWAYS, ALWAYS has it on)
AFF Username: xxfruitsbasketxx
Password: [x]


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I have changed the partner option! Haha, at first I was debating of putting Woohyun as one option, but I really like his position as one of her closest guy friends XD
hello ~ your application looks great only one issue... your partner, Yoseob of Daehyun are already taken. I don't want people to overlap their love interest because then it gets chaotic. I would have allowed it but since i'm allow the girls who didn't get to join to be other gangs then it really will be too much for me to handle.
Plus they both have different occupations listed on chapter two.

If you can choose someone else it would help sorry! :/