Life in 90 Questions

This is only called "Life in 90 Questions" because it's not my life. I don't have a life.


taken from Ai-Rinnie

1.) what was the highlight of your week?

Buying four new games

2.) whose car were you last in?
nayeon-- fatty's mom's
3.) when is the next time you will kiss someone?
Does my monitor count?
4.) what color shirt are you wearing?
5.) how long is your hair?
down to ma ies
6.) are you good-looking?
I dunno
7.) last movie you watched?
Quarantine. Quite a good movie. There were zombies
8.) who were you with?
My computer
9.) last thing you ate?
10.) last thing you drank?
an ice cu
11.) when was the last time you had your heart broken?
Last time I watched crazy
12.) who did you last text?
my cousin, kk
13.) are you happy right now?
14.) what did you last say?
"Mooooooooooooom!!!! Can you buy a new fan for then computer? I'm getting a headache." I proceeded to take advil mafter that.
15.) where is your phone?
Under my cat -__-
16.) what color are your eyes?
17.) are you left-handed?
18.) spell your name without vowels:
19.) do you have any pets?
two cats, a fish named cat, a mentally ill dog, and a rock named Tim
20.) favorite vacation?
I haven't really gone on what would be considered a vacation... Does wonderland count?
21.) what do you dislike currently?
my crap load of a computer
22.) what are you listening to?
my computer's fan
23.) if you could have one thing right now, what would it be?
24.) what is your favorite scent?
I can't smell very well at all
25.) who makes you happiest?
kpop, friends, technology
26.) what were you doing at midnight last night?
reading chobits
27.) when is your birthday?
September 27. Right after school starts -_________________________________________________________-
28.) who has the same phone as you?
some random person I don't know
29.) last time you went swimming in a pool?
sometime last year
30.) do you read your horoscope?
31.) where was the last place you bought something?
gaming store place thing that sold cheap games and movies
32.) how do you feel about your hair right now?
it's very greasy
33.) do you bite your nails?
34.) do you have any expensive jewelry?
i don't think so
35.) do you have any inexpensive jewelry?
I have a candy necklace
36.) myspace or facebook?
37.) how fast have you driven a car?
I drove a bumpercar and broke the thing at the top.... My driving in video games is very nice too XD
38.) have you ever smoked?
39.) what's your favorite school subject?
40.) where are you?
in my living room
41.) what type of boy or girl do you usually fall for?
Asian. My precious asians  :3 lol
42.) do you have any hidden talents?
I can make weird noises and faces
43.) favorite song?
44.) do you like to sing at all?
I've completely given up with singing. My singing voice sounds like a kangaroo that's on fire and getting eaten by a shark toe to head
45.) dream job?
a kpop idol or a pro gamer XD
46.) where does most of your family live?
I killed them all. I actually don't know though. The bodies were hidden by somebody else
47.) do you have siblings?
one older brother. Named Tim. He's a rock.
48.) would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
No. Not at all. I paid for basically everything except my phone.
49.) what was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
50.) do you drink?
yeah. I drink lots of bath salts. That is possible. Don't question me.
51.) know any other languages?
nerp. I know a sentence in Dutch and some Korean
52.) ever wrote a coded message?
I wrote something even I couldn't understand
53.) have you ever been a part of a wedding?
I threw something at the guests. Does that count?
54.) do you have any children?
I have 69
55.) did you take a nap today?
56.) who has the same birthday as you?
Some person I don't talk to anymore and a bunch of other random people
57.) ever met anyone famous before?
I don't think so.....
58.) do you want to be famous one day?
59.) any pet peeves? if so, list it.
Stupid people, flies, stupid people, people who say computers are a waste of time, stupid people, ppl wu tlk lk dis, stupid people, ect..
60.) are you multitasking right now?
yerp. Trying to catch up on life
61.) do you like modern day music?
I like Korean mordern day music. Not American screeching and autotune
62.) what's your least favorite chore?
63.) last place you went to?
the bathroom
64.) ever been out of the country?
65.) where were you born?
Toronto, Onatrio
66.) could you handle being in the military?
probably not. Unless I was training for the zombie apacolypse
67.) what is your height?
I'm 5'8. Taller than L.Joe. I'm 172cm lololololol
68.) who are you thinking about right now?
tintap :3
69.) when was the last time you laughed really hard?
Watching Mark.
70.) how many pairs of shoes do you own?
Like five....
71.) are your toes always painted with nail polish?
Too. Much. Work.
72.) how many piercings do you have?
73.) what are you doing today?
74.) have you ever been gambling?
75.) when was the last time you updated your social networking sites?
I dunno. Five minutes ago
76.) do you like rollercoasters?
77.) have you ever been to Disneyland or Disneyworld?
Nope. I watched Captain ShamNanners though
78.) do you have a favorite cartoon character?
spongebob, patrick, babar, that guy in that thing
79.) last thing you cooked?
80.) jow's the weather?
The outside world is scary
81.) do you email?
not really
82.) what's the stupidest thing you've ever done with your cell phone?
Dropping it. On the ground. At school. In front on the principle.
83.) last time you were sick?
Can't remember
84.) what states have you lived in?
Ontario isn't a state and I haven't left it.
85.) do you wish you could move?
Oh my god yes. I hate it here. My school board is retarded. I seriously think the head person smokes weed.
86.) are you sleepy?
87.) what is your dream car?
Lamborghini Estoque
88.) if you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
L.Joe's bed
89.) have you ever wanted someone you can't have?
90.) are you happy with your life?



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immaninja13 #1
Your brother is your pet?
You like Babar?! He's so cool isn't he?
Wait... When did you get a phone? Were you lying???
Oh my god, your answers cracked me up. In probably going to do this later:) you don't mind if I borrow it right:P