[ Equilibrium : Han 'Aphrodite' Heeyeon ]

××× A Game of Equilibrium ×××


You've got to go through it to get to the end of it.

Username : eundere

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Your name : eun



I'm more than just a piece in their Games

Name : Han 'Aphrodite' Heeyeon 

Age : annnounce as 15, real age unknown but rumoured to be older than 18

Gender : female

Sector : sector two



You don't forget the face of the person who was your last hope

Ulzzang / Model : Kim Hyejung

Links :  . . . . . .

Backup Face : Kim Jeein

Links :  . . . . . .

Height : 160

Weight : 44

Other : had a broken heart-shaped birthmark under her left and a long faded scar on her back.



You've got about as much charm as a dead slug.

Personality :

'Lovely,Cute, filled with Aegyo. But do you know what behind the scene.' - the heartless baby

Heeyeon has been called the maknae since she entered the section, with her baby face and aegyo - she seems to be the youngest, cutest and innocent one - but who knows what lying behind her lovely face. Everyone in section two knows that Heeyeon is the most heartless one ; who likes to play with people thought and body as if it is a game. Her laugh and smile that look absolutely innocent ; even she smile and laugh after seeing a person died in front of her. The thing that can entertain her the best is people who is suffer from their experiment ,slowly die by the drung they gave. 

'People born different,live different but only strong one will survive.' - the surviver

Her lovely face might make people think she is young,soft and weak but actually,she is opposite with those word. Heeyeon is strong one,both her body and her brain - she might not as good as the other section in martial art but she knows some and also has very good sense,which make her strong. She was born genius and she lives her life seriously unlike her aegyo and cutesy act that she wears all the time ; she is such a liar - but that will make her survive no matter where she is.

'You don't find it fun but I find it so fun so please don't stop me.' - the mad maknae

Have you ever heard of the character 'Mad Hatter' from Alice in Wonderland? Let's say Heeyeon is the girl ; horror version of the Mad hatter. She is really crazy about playing with people body and mind ; she enjoy making them hurt and suffer until they die ; just like some kind of the ghost or devil in horror movie but she is the one alive with an innocent look ; this makes the sectors in chaos since she always wants to play just like a kid who doesn't know the limit so they need to stop her before she killed all people in the city.

'God doesn't exist ; I don't know and I don't care - his word just make me feels ill' - the heathen

Heeyeon never believes in god or any religious view ; no one knows why but she always acts against the believes and she could be really rude when it comes to religion. If she was born in Middle Age she must be the first one who got killed because she would be the one that 'suspect to be a witch' ; not only her beauty,her cruelty and her genius but also her view to the earth is so dark and scary ; she never fear to get killed since she always wanted to die she lives her life like a game ; and she said one day it must all over and she will bravely face it - she will never scared.

Likes :

• Action and Horror movie


• Black Cat ; once had one called 'Thirteen'

• Biology&Anatomy

• Psychology

• Classical music 

• Games

• Dolls ; especially porcelain dolls, she has one called 'Evila'

• Blood

Dislikes :

• Any religious believes

• Fairy Tales

• Baby&Kids

• Little animal 

• Merciness

• Destiny,Fate whatever about love and god.

• Normal people

Fears : 

• Baby ; she scared of children younger than the age of 2

• The truth ; she likes to lie, so the thing hurt her the most is the truth; both about her and people around.



For there to be betrayal, there would have to have been trust first

History :

'I come from no where,may be I just born from a wave like Aphrodite.'

No one really knows who Heeyeon was, actually ; she was founded on the beach not far away from the sector when she was very young; well, actually not that young - the girl was able to talk at the time ; the one who founded her thinks she was 2 or 3 at the time they met. The girl could remember nothing, so the one who found her took her to the doctor and they said she had memory loss. The girl had no where to go and the only thing she could remember about herself was her name 'Han Heeyeon' so the woman had no choice but to take care of the girl herself ; the woman didn't want to keep the girl but no other in the sector wanted too. The woman lives far away from the center of the sector ; she was the loner that didn't have much friends - or involve with anyone ; she lived there quietly and carefully,she was a very strict woman.

'She acts if she was my mother but at last she send me away,such a liar'

The girl was raised by the woman and got the name 'Aphrodite' as her nickname because she was found on the beach,just like in Greek's mythology of the birth of 'Aphrodite'. The had been living there for 5 years when the woman met a guy ; he is handsome and tall, he was famous, everyone knows his name. Even though the woman was the loner but she had the perfect body and beautiful face ; she slept with him and decided that he had to pay something inchange,she knew that she could sent Heeyeon away with him,just an easy way to sent she away,both she and the girl would get the proper life they should have ; Heeyeon would get much more opportunity staying with the guy while her could get back to her old quiet life. The girl accidently heard the conversation and got mad - she killed the woman that night after everyone fell asleep. The guy woke up and saw the woman's death body in the morning ; he had no choice but take the girl back with him.

'I don't want to trust anybody because everyone does lie,but it's still better to work in a group than working alone.'

The guy took her back as his daughter,he found she was different from the others,both in good and bad way. It was destiny for they both to met ; he could trained the girl to become a killer like him in the future with the talent she had at the time. He took her to the others, - she was the perfect maknae to be in the sector, she was above the kids at the same age- could learn very fast. She was called the maknae,since no one knows how old she really is so she is still the maknae until today, may be because she has the baby face. She wasn't close to anyone at first,just like a weird baby doll ; she started to get along with people as the time passed but she is still the type that don't completely trust anyone. She is also really hard to predict even today.

Family :

• Kim 'Kangin' Youngwoon (Super Junior) . 27 . the killer. strong - heartless - gentle - undefeatable -calm . 

10 years ago, he met a beautiful girl at the beach, the corner of the sector. They slep together as she talked about her 'child' who must be stayed with him. He didn't want to take the girl at first but after she killed her 'mother' he had no choice, but to take her back with him. He is father-like to her even they are not much different in age ; always give her good advice since he is the only 'family' left for her.

The reaping : She has been the maknae for all the time she has been here. All the people in the sector thinks she is a kid and never take anything seriously ; the sector getting bigger as the time passed and somebody going to be kick out - a new girl took her place in the 'maknae' place - she was young, pretty and talented, even though she looks a lot younger than Heeyeon but she is more useful than the girl, people started to gossipping and some people even hate her,remembering that she is an 'outsider' that came from nowhere. Many rumours go around the sector and Heeyeon need to do something to prove that she isn't just only a stupid aegyo- trouble maker ; she stood up and volunteer to be in the game. 

Sector charm : Heeyeon,filled with confident - she didn't take much thing ; but a bag that has only a bottle in - it was a virus, the one she made it herself she got only one vaccine in case she got the virus ; the girl wasn't prepared to use it at all. It would be use only in the worst case, in the last scene that she wants it all to end - the girl had prepared her plan working on people feelings and trust, she was there to lie and get them kill each other ; with her skills she know she could do anything with just her bear hand ; her brain and .



They'll either want to kiss you, kill you, or be you

Best Friend : 

• Yook Sungjae (BTOB) . 17 . the chemist . clever - gentle - young - cold - calm

Yook Sungjae was born from the chemist of the sector, he was born genius and worked in the chemistry part at young age ; he was her friend since the time she came in. He is cold to most of people ; and he was like that for all the time but Heeyeon is the only one he feels free to talk with. She had seen him in many side and knows him the best but yet she didn't tell him about her everything. She likes to see his experiment and have a little talk with him in her free time.

Friends :

• Hwang 'Tiffany' Miyoung (SNSD) . 23 . the 'umma'. cute - umma-like - fake - untrustworthy - sly

Tiffany,the 'umma' of the section is a cute and lovely girl, she pretend to be kind to everybody - but everyone knows how fake she is, the girl is a good liar and cold-hearted girl. She takes care Heeyeon like a baby since she know how worthy the girl is if she could be her friend, she knows that the girl is talented and clever so that she could save her if she is Heeyeon's 'friend'. They don't have really 'sincere' relationship but they talk and play like friend.

• Oh Sehun (EXO-K) . 18 . the planner . popular - strange - unpredictable - genius - selfish

Sehun, the planner who is hard to understand ; the one who stand above everyone and looking down to their life. He is extremely hard to understand ; he 'knows everything' except the girl, Han Heeyeon is the only thing he can't understand so he is interested in his 'new toy'. Their relationship is 'brother-sister' like but seems more complicated ; Sehun is the one with her when the day she falls down, not to comfort her but to smirk and laugh while the girl just stares at him - and when Sehun is the one lose, she is there to push him down deeper and make him suffer even more.

Enemies :

• Jeon Boram (T-ara) . 26 . the killer . baby faced - lovely - envious - greedy - spoiled

The ex-baby of the sector, she used to be treated like the baby of the sector with her lovely baby face until Heeyeon came and took her 'position', they never like each other since the first day she came ; Boram envy and Heeyeon doesn't like the way she act 'stupid'.


Rival : Sector Six ; they don't trust anybody so it's hard for her to try and trick them, it's hard for her to kill them because they don't come close to her, she can't neither play with their mind and body easily.


Love Interest : Lee Minhyuk (BTOB) . 22 . Sector Seven

Personality : He is gentle and kind one ; he kill and hurt people only when it is necessary - he believes that every life is worth. He is quite good at fight and also clever ; his weakness is his temper, he can't control himself when he is angry - his personallity could be immediately change when he got mad. He can't stand seeing an innocent life be killed - only the wicked one would be killed in front of him ; by himself.

Relationship : Minhyuk hates the girl ; the girl who killed people just for fun, he hates her smile that she has like she did nothing, like the innocent one- he can't understand this heartless girl but he can't either kill her ; he didn't know why but he believes that one day the girl might understand the world and see the beauty of the life. Heeyeon doesn't like the boy either, he is lovely and too good to be exist in the world for her - she didn't know why she doesn't kill him, may be because of his smile ; his smile makes the girl feels a weird feeling inside her heart that stop her from killing the boy.

Backup Love Interest : Shin Dongho (U-KISS) . 18 . Sector Six

Personality : The baby face one of Sector Six ; he looks innocent and lovely but he is just like the others from sector six, doesn't trust anybody and knows how to fight. It isn't like he is the best one at fighting nor the most clever ; just a normal boy in the sector - but he is the one that try to hide his weakness inside and could keep himself away from each other the best. He knows how to protect himself ; he built a strong wall in his heart hiding his weakness and his heart so he is quite a cold one.

Relationship : Dongho likes the girl ; Heeyeon is the first one he ever allowed around him ; never know he had chosen the wrong one. They two are not really dating but close to. Heeyeon likes the boy's smile and find him an interested toy for her - she doesn't like him or hate him but her feeling increased everytime they met.



Flight is essential, but I can't let my fear show

On the field : It is her desire to kill people ; she finds it fun to see people slowly dying and suffer around - she doesn't scared of blood,corspe or anything so she never hesitant to see how the people die. She enjoyed killing each people down so she seems to be very happy and interested when there is someone there for her to kill - but she doesn't like to kill her victim directly ; it isn't their style - she must play with her toy first.

The terrain : 

• Water : She is 'Aphrodite' who was born from the sea - she spent her early days in a place near the beach so she does swim well and feels more comfortable to move in the water even she doesn't normally use physical skill to kill ; but if she needs to use her fighting skill , water is the best place for her.

Avoid, Avoid, Avoid! : 

• Land : Heeyeon could run; but not that fast, the place she avoid is the land, especially the lawn or clearing area where she has no where to hide. She normally play with people's mind but it make she feels a bit uncomfortable when she is in very clear area which means she has no where to hide, to protect herself and get lost from the enemy - in case they really need to has phsically fight.

• Tree : Heeyeon has good balance; but not enough to fight on trees - she could hide behind the tree but her movement will be a bit slower and her fighting skill on the tree can't be compare to the people from other sections.

• Desert : Sunny place, it is her weak spot ; she likes sand,even her Thai name means sand but she couldn't stand the desert. The place without water could kill her - Desert has no where to hide and seems to be endless it the place she scare the most.



Here's some advice. Stay alive.

Special skills : Swimming&movement under the water

Strengths : Senses (has good sense,sight,hearing,smell,taste and touch) ; mentally fight

Weaknesses : body movement on land ; phsyically fight - especially something that require much strength

Weapon : Her Brain& Syringe



Happy [Game of Equilibrium]! And may the odds be ever in your favor.

Anything you'd like to say about your character? : She is the mystery mastermind ; AB- bloodtype . She DOESN'T really lost her memory about her real parents ; she just hide it away from the other people. She has broken past that no one should ever know.

Suggestions : It's already good  :D

Questions or comments? : Nice plot XD I'm really interested in this story ♥

Disclaimer : all subtitle quotes are rightfully Suzanne Collins' 


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