let go.

Is this the part where everything spirals down? Is this the scene where you change your mind? Am I supposed to give up now? I knew it would happen eventually, but I didn't think this soon. Maybe I'm just over thinking this... Maybe. I can't help but feel that I saw this was coming. I saw when you started looking at me differently. I knew it when you stopped looking at me completely. Your hugs were different. Your touch wasn't sincere. Maybe there was a reason I didn't tell my parents that you were my date to Ring Dance. Maybe there was a reason I kept myself from holding your hand.

We're not dating. I have no right to get so stirred because of this. He's not mine. Maybe I just thought he was? But... he told me. I'm not assuming. He told me that I held his heart. He said it was mine. It is mine. Has he taken it back already?

I think this was why I thought I wasn't ready for a relationship. I can't stand this feeling of abandonment and loneliness. At least when I'm alone, no one needs to be with me. No one is supposed to be beside me. Alone not lonely...

I wish it would all just stop. Why is it that we perceive a companion to be a necessity? The human body is built to last passed over one hundred years, yet we die so soon. With all these things that we need to survive - surely, another's love and affection can't be one of them.

If I'm not the one you want, I wish you the best of luck. She's not me, and I will never be her... but if she makes you smile like you did before, then I can let go.


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