Girls' Generation: Five Years

Posted: August 4, 2012

Dear Girls' Generation,

Today is your fifth anniversary since debut.  I know that the chance any of you would stumble upon this is almost zero, but I want to write a little letter for your anniversary.

I know you guys have been through many struggles in order to achieve the respect of many people, and it wasn't easy.  I wasn't there with you at the beginning, but I got to become a S♥NE when you started to rise in 2010.  The first music video I watched was "Gee," the song that made an impact on the entire South Korea.  That was when I started to pay attention to you, the Girls' Generation of South Korea.

After getting to know you guys more, I found out when you first came out, there were so many anti-fans.  They bashed you, cursed you, made fun of you, and did all those horrible things.  There was a video I watched, when you had your stage performance, there was a black ocean.  The people sitting in the stadium were chanting another group's name.  As I watched from behind the computer screen, I looked at those people in horror.  I couldn't imagine what you guys must've felt. Hurt. Discouraged. Ripped. Heartbroken.

You guys didn't give up.  You persevered, wanting to refute the statements that looked down on you.  And you guys did. You guys won on Music Bank with "Kissing You". I saw you guys cry in joy, and it made me want to cry, too.  Then you set the record on Music Bank, winning eight weeks consecutively.  It was your hit song "Gee".  I saw the looks on your faces when the host announced the winners: they were glowing, glowing with pride and happiness.  

Your success came tumbling down for the next few years.  The Golden Disk awards, High-1 Seoul Music awards, Digital awards, 2011 MAMA Best Girl Group award, and so many more I can't type them all out.  You guys worked hard, and these awards rightfully belong to you.

You guys participated in SMTown Live concerts and held your own around the world.  Though I haven't been able to attend any of these concerts, I wish in the future, I would be among the people watching your perfomances and waving that pink glowstick.  I want to be able to participate in the pink ocean for you guys.  

 I haven't said how I became a S♥NE yet, right? My close friend introduced me to K-Pop, so I gave it a try.  You guys were the first group I started out listening to, and that was the year I entered my second year of middle school. I am currently a 2-year-old S♥NE.  As I continued listening to your music, I slowly became attached to you.  You, Girls' Generation, have earned my respect, and I look up to you guys as an inspiration.  

There are so many times when I imagine what it would be like if I met you guys.  Would I squeal in delight or be unable to say anything due to shock?  I don't know, but I hope this question would be answered soon. 

I'm amazed that you guys are spending your 5th anniversary.  I was with you guys a little after your third, and I had officially spent my first, your fourth anniversary with you last year.  I, as a Girl's Generation fan, even though from the other side of the world, will continue to support you and count the annivesaries that you and we S♥NEs will spend together.

Happy anniversary, Girl's Generation

Stay strong and continue to be the 9 members that all of us have come to love. Thank you for being an inspiration.  I wish you guys the best luck, and may God bless you!

Much love,


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So sweet ^^ *wipes tear*