
it's you...Only you

AFF Username: Sun-Sunny

AFF link: Here

The lovely and precious character......

Birthname: Kwon Se Ra

English Name: Sera Kwon
Nicknames: N/A 

Birthdate & Age : 20 / 26 April 1992
Birthplace: Seoul

Hometown: Seoul

Personality : Sera Ain't a Normal Girl , I Mean Not Special Too ! When You First Meet Her She'll Be Kinda Mean , Roll Her Eyes Non-Stop , Making Fun Of What You Said And Giving You Her Disgusted Face ! But Then If You Know Her She's Really a Mood Maker . She Have Two Voices , The First One Normal And Can Sing With it but the Second One Really Scary , An Alien's Voice that scares Children kno. Anyway She aint hot tempered But When She's Sad : She'll Cry Hard And Hits Anything Infront Of Her ! When She's Scared To Death She Won't Show It but she'll give her Pokerface That's why seeing her Scared isnt good , she may Do Anything , Yeah ANYTHING , Turning From Scared To Angry And Her Body Start Shaking , She Cries Easily Btw . She Loves Singing Actually Especially In English , Katy Perry's Songs But She Don't Understand Anything , And Yeah , Sometimes She's Too Stupid For a 20 Years Old Girl ! When You Ask her a question u need to repeat it at least 3 times .

Nationality : Korean
Height : 1.70

Weight : 53

Bloodtype: AB

Language: Japanese (Fleunt) Korean (Fluent) English (Basic)

My pretty look.....that is very precious......

Name of ulzzang: Min Hyosun

Picture links (5+): 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5

Back up ulzzang: Park Sora 

Picture links (5+): 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5

Style : (Just jeans) 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5
Likes : Summer - Beach - Dancing - Japanese Songs - Cooking (but he cant) - her laptop - Shoes - Clothes - Jeans - Surfing the internet - her tears - Sharks - Walking around - her short hair - variety shows - crazy dances - eyeliner (she thinks that she's prettier with eyeliner)

Dislikes : winter - rain - doing housework -watching tv - being scared - love at first sight - fruits - vegetables .

Hobbies : running - dancing - surfing the internet - swiming - writing random things - mumble some random japanese songs from animes 

Habits : her tears - the back of her hands when she's nervous - her body start shaking when she's angry - gives her disgusted face when a boy approach her - She's Always Putting Eyeliner

My most important people in my life......

Family :

Kwon Jinsook / 42 / Business Man / Father / Alive

Kim Haneul / 39 / Doctor / Mother / Alive

Kwon Yuri / 23 / Idol , snsd member / Sister / Alive

Your education: ??

My stage life........

Stage Name: SeRa

Persona: Charisma Queen

Position: Lead Dancer , Vocalist , Rapper

Training duration: 4 Years

How become a trainee: Yuri Dared Her To Audition But She refused her so yuri forced her .

Other Jobs : N/A
Individual Fanclub Name: CharisRa

Individual Fanclub Color(s): hhhhh

I need a boy.....I need complete my life

Status: Single ._.

Friends : TVXQ Changmin - EXO D.O - Super Junior Leeteuk And Heechul .
Best friend : EXO'S Chanyeol

Love Interest: EXO Kris

Why: Because I Love Him ._. Lol no jk ! Since Sera Is Kinda Attracted To Every Handsome Boy , Her Eyes Are Always Playing Here and There she didn't love anyone yet ! She Put Her eyes On Chanyeol , Then Kai , Then Yunho , Then Donghae Everyone Everyone Handsome Actually But When She First Met Kris She Really Thought That He's Handsome But Ignored It . It was Love At First Sight But She's Denying It.

Back up love interest: EXO Suho

Why: Same As Kris

My rivals

Rivals : Kara's Hara

Why: Because She wants To Take Chanyeol , Changim And Kris From Sera , Since She's kinda like her always Looking for handsome Boys .

Anything else?

Write here: Good Luck :)


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