damn those anti-fans =.=

Can I just please kill those anti-fans?! They're really getting into my nerves! They are all a piece of bullsh*t!


If they want respect then they should also show respect those k-pop groups and us, fans! Who are they to call k-pop as a piece of sh*t and who the are they to call fans disrespectful, when they, themselves do not know what respect means?!


My teacher once told us that we all have rights, that's why we're living, but all of our rights ends when we are stepping to others' feelings and that's what they are doing! They aren't only stepping into MY favorite groups but also stepping into MY feelings!


Who are hey to call fans as es and craps?! Though it doesn't state by name, I'm affected, because I'm a fan!


What would they feel if the ones whom they admire is called as 'gay' and 'attention-seeing bastard'? HUH!?


I am not the kind of person to be mad for such reasons because I know that there will always be antis but please if they don't like them or worse, if they hate them. Please, just please! Respect them and just sulk in the corner! 


There's no need to make such groups of attention-seeking bastards who only wants attention!


But besides anger, I also feel pity. Pity because they're such a lousy bunch of people who can do nothing but bash and hate. I pity them becuse they can do nothing because if there are haters like them then there will always be the fans who will always piss off the haters. 


If there is hate, then there will always be LOVE. 


And remember, LOVE rule the world not HATE. HATE is only a part of life that happens when people lacks love. ^^


I want to kill them but I'll refrain myself from doing so. I won't stoop down their level. I will never stoop down their level. 


Plus, I know oppa's and unnie's won't like it if they hear that a fan kills an anti-fan ^^ 



Sorry for the nad words guys! I'm just very disappointed with people like that. But I started cooling down a bit after seeing the fans give those antis a piece of them. ^^


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