Keep Calm and Carry On! :D


Hey guys,
Earlier today, it was brought to our attention that an author by the name of decobox was plagiarizing our “Leap of Faith”. We assure you that this is far from the case. decobox has explained that it was purely coincidental, and has apologized a great many times. We also did our part and investigated when you guys gave us links and comments, and we repeat, it was all just a big coincidence that lead to misunderstandings. ;D
For those of you who defended our story, we thank you and we loooove you! Trust us, we really do, and it warms our hearts that our readers would do these things for us, or for our story. This is just not the right case for that now, though, for it is now proven that there in no plagiarizing that happened.  We appreciate your loyalty to our story and the effort you made to bring in more subscribers and readers. 
Yes, plagiarism is bad, and it should never be done (NEVER EVER, YOU HEAR?) , but there will always be someone out there who will do it. When we uploaded Leap of Faith, we were very much aware of the risks of someone plagiarizing our work, but thankfully, that hasn’t happened yet. This was simply a big misunderstanding and a false alarm.
As authors, we cannot imagine how devastating it would be to be accused of plagiarism, I mean being accused of something is bad enough, and to add plagiarizing in is just...EESH, so as a kind request, we are not forcing you to do this, but if you could, could you please leave a decobox a wall post and encourage her to continue her story? It would mean so much to us if you did. She's a good person and she did nothing wrong. Go checkout her story, too! It's awesome. :D 
Again, we are forever grateful, for your loyalty, support, concern and loooooove.
So, as our character Sam would say when she's in HyperBlast, "Thankyouthankyouthankyouuuu!!!" :))
Random: Guys, seriously, cream puffs and eclairs are absolute YUM. ;)
So guys, calm down there is no war, grab a cream puff, and make friends, not war.
...Did that make any sense? O.o xD


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M4C4BRE #1
kekeke THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOOOU twisted for posting this! ^^<br />
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Eyy, what's a cream puff and an aclair? *poutpout* Is it a brand that I can buy here in seoul? :( I want to try it because you guys talk so highly of it...