What's Your Favorite Scary Movie  Application Form

 bamboo_forest.jpg 3245738115_cba3abfb1c.jpg dark-forest-wallpapers.jpg Scary forest



AFF Contact

Username : ThePrince

Profile : Stubborn and Fabulous Hannie at your service~


Character's General Information

Name : Park Hannie

Gender : Male | Female

Age : 18

Birth date : Oct. 1O, 1997

Birthplace : Tokyo, Japan

Ethnicity : Japanese-Korean


High school status : The popular fashionista~


Personality :

Alright! Now's the fun part; I'm Park Hannie. As you can see that my nickname is Butthead because I am stubborn, and fabulous~. I'm a debater and hella good at it. I'm pretty confident, more like conceited, and because I'm so awesome, I'd always win the arguement about whatever, whenever. I hate it when people win, though, but that's rare. I won't go down without a fight and can bull for as long as I can until I prevail. But now, I'd get excited when someone can get back at me with words. It excites me 'cause I really do enjoy a good talk. If you take the stubbornness away from me, you'll discover that I'm quite a lovely person myself. I'm a dreamer, not a fighter. I don't know how to fight actually. I've never been the one to be involved in a fight or starting one. When a fight going on, you'd see me alone by myself in a corner, reading a book. I love love love reading books about horror and suspense books. It gives me the creeps but I do not watch horror movies! I'd get scared easily. Wow, I'm actually fragile, huh? It's actually my words that speaks louder than my delicate personality.

What else is there to know about me? Oh yes, I'm a fashion-lunatic! And I get crazy about hair. I also have a huge room in my heart for food and pastries! I sound adorable so far, huh? Well then you better keep on making me happy because once I'm not, uh-oh, drama and trouble is coming! My eyes would droop down and my eyes would have a murderous look in them. My lips twitch whenever when I'm angry, but the good thing is I wouldn't beat anyone up when I'm mad 'cause like I said, I can't fight. I actually would just swallow my anger down with food, to be specific, yogurt. I eat yogurt to maintain a healthy and soft skin. I'd also would leave the crowd when I'm angry though, no one would ever find me because I'd be sitting in the closet, looking at my clothes and eating yogurt to try to calm myself down. Lol. How odd, right?

Friends, I have lots and lots. But not really, I don't trust any of them. I actually considered them more as "acquaintances" than "friends". I do have a close noona, however. That's not really important. The main thing is I am popular but I don't want to hangout with anyone. When I go shopping, I'd be by myself. Since now that I'm a big boy, I can take care of myself and mommy doesn't have to worry. Mother really cares for me a lot. Father? He cares for me, too, but we're actually very awkward when we're close. I wouldn't know what to say besides "Hello" and "Goodbye" and same for him. I have a brother, he's younger than me. I love him like a son. But I just don't know how to take care of him better since I have to put myself first here, helloooo~ Bottom line is mother; kind. Father; awkward. Brother; loveable.

One more thing; I'm a peace and quiet person so I hate noisy places. I'd always picked the almost-no-customers shops/stores.

Background :

I don't really have a juicy background but I used to had a friend in my early years of highschool, she was a heroine addict and passed away because of it. Ever since then I stopped calling people friends, I became somewhat anti-social, that's when I developed the hooby for reading horror books. Somehow I became popular because I started dressing differently, acted differently, and I wasn't the same person as before.


Likes :

  • Food. no questions asked
  • Fashion. no questions asked
  • Compliments. he's an egomaniac
  • Horror/Suspense books. he enjoys it
  • New things. curiousity
  • Rainy days or weather! it's beautiful!

Dislikes :

  • Snakes. no questions asked
  • Fights/riots. nohe prefers peace & quiet
  • Crowded places. he prefers peace & quiet
  • When someone wins the arguement. no questions asked
  • The color purple, for no reasons.

Hobbies :

  • Read books.
  • Shopping.
  • Enjoys the day when it rains.
  • Collects teddybears. he has so many in his bedroom
  • Eat.

Trivia :

  • Talks to self a lot.
  • I'm actually actually funny if the conversation is not an arguement.
  • Wants a tattoo on my left wrist
  • Hides in the closet when upset, mad, angry, pissed off, disappointed.
  • My left ear is pierced three times while my right is pierced only once.
  • Goes back and forth on dying hair orange and blonde, and dark brown.
  • Only cries when my pissed-off-thermometer breaks, I don't cry when I'm sad. Cool, huh?
  • My mind would always creates disturbing images so I'd often have mental breakdowns.
  • Deep down in my guts, I believe in evil entities and stuff. But my brain is always convincing me that no such things exist.


Character's appearance Information

Ulzzang name : Kang Hyuk Min

Ulzzang pictures : [1] - [2] - [3]

Back up ulzzang name : ~ ~ ~

Back up ulzzang pictures : ~ ~ ~


Character's Fear Factor...

Biggest fear : Snakes, clowns.

Favorite scary movie : Muoi, the legend of a portrait. (Link)

Fear factor : Deep down in my guts, I believe in evil entities and stuff. But my brain is always convincing me that no such things exist.

(Un)Lucky number : 3.


Character's relationship status

Is your character single : Yes | No

If no, whom is he/she dating : ~ ~ ~

If yes, is he/she crushing at the moment? : Yes | No


Friends : ~ ~ ~

Family :

Park Mizuki || 49 || Mother || Restauranteur, Japanese || Very nice, gets along

Park Han || 53 || Father || Businessman, Korean || Awkward

Park Daehan || 12 || Brother || Middleschooler, half || Cute and a butthead just like me


You've reach the end

Dare to die? : P'syeahhh.~

Suggestions? / Comments? : Hannie's a diva. He should die first. LOL.

Scene requests? : When paranormal activities are happening, I'm talking to myself like I've lost my mind.



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yogurtlegs #1
dont mean to be a creeper or anything >.>
but me and my friend rayne are making a horror/comedy fic but u know aff retardness deleted it =.=
Ur character sounds awesome >.<
May i use him in our fic? -^-^-