Stolen from OhItsYing X)

Five ships you’re into right now:

01. Daragon

02. Topbom

03.  Sunsun

04.  Junah

05.  Taestal

Four ships you disliked, but like/respect now

06. Yoonhae

07. WooU

08. Junhara

09.  Minstal

Three ships you never liked.

10. Skydragon

11.  Gbom

12. Seohan

Two ships you’re curious about, but don’t actually ship.

13. Sowon

14.  Kaistal




1.  Why do you dislike #11 so much ?

Cause thry dont fit for each other (-_-)

2.  Who is someone you know that ships #14?

None !

3.  What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3?

An innocent boy that have a crush to a bad girl ! (>,<)

4.  Which is your favorite moment for couple #1?

All of them!! :)))

5.  How long have you been following couple #5?

About 3 months

6.  What’s the story with #8? What made you start liking them/caring?

I read a story about a Junhara that they are in an arrange maeriage ! That story is so good .. That change my POV of them ..

7.  You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 or #12 

I choose #10 .. jiyong is meant for Dara only ! /no hard feelings/ :>

8.  Which ship do you prefer, #2 or #4?

Umm....#4 ! I just love the two of them together :'))

9.  What interests you about #14?

Their personalities and looks ~

10.  Why did you start liking #7?

Dream High for sure ..

12.  What’s a song that reminds you of #2?

You belong with me by TS

14.  Have #2 kissed yet?

How I wish :/

15.  Did #4 have a happy ending? 

Nope .. But still hoping :))

16.  What would make you start shipping #13?

Epic Fail ! I really dont ship them (-_-;)

17.  If only one could happen, which would you prefer, #2 or #5?

#2!! Alien couple all the way!! They are perfectly made for each other  <3

18.  You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them?

Stay friends and NO ROMANTIC FEELINGS for each other ! :>

19.  Which of these ships do you love the most?

#1, #4 and #1 ...
ohh ! I love #1 couple :'D


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a_greek_kpop_freak #1
lol XD !!!
wahaha! you're such a good shipper! congrats, hope our ship stay forever....

me {as if someone bothers 2 know keke}, #1 --- i dont know, i just cant get enough reason why i should not believe :)
hahahaa!!! DaraGon FTW~! ^__^