My Kind of Boy

If you're a guy - post this as "my kind of girl"

If you're a girl - post this as "my kind of boy"


1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?
It plays a part but it's not everything.

2. Smart?
Of course. I wanna have an actual conversation with him.

3. Preferred age?
Age is just a number. I'd rather have an mature 18 year old than an immature 24 year old guy.

4. Preferred height?
Just be taller than me. It's not that hard. I'm VERY short. =P But between 1.75cm and 1.80cm is nice.

5. How about sense of humor?
Make me laugh or else your'e OUT. Heh heh.

6. How about piercings?
I want him to have both his ears pierced and he will be wearing those black studs. Wow. O_O

7. Accepts you for who you are?
Of course, dear. =)

8. Pink hair?
Let's see if he dares to do that.

10. Thin or fat?
Thin or muscular. 

11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
 That's not even important.

12. Long hair or short hair?
Short and styled. ;)

13. Plastic or metal?

Hmm... Does it matter? 

14. Smells good?
Yes! Cologne is a MUST.

15. Smoker?
I'm fine with it just as long he doesn't smoke IN MY FACE.

16. Drinker?
Naw way...

17. girl-next-door type?
*Gives the weird look* No. I want HIM to be a guy-next-door type. Lol.

18. Muscular?
Yes, please but not too much. Abs and biceps are most important! =P
Oh, just look at Gi Kwang for a role model. =)

19. Plays piano?
That'd be sweet! ^^

20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
That'd be so much MORE awesome. ^^

21. Plays violin?
Eh? If he has talent, why not?

22. Sings very good?

He better be singing me to sleep every night if he sings very well. 

23. Vain?
Yes because I'm vain too. So, we can fight for the mirror. ;)

24. With glasses?

I want them boys to wear those nerdy black framed specs that Spongebob wears when he jelly fishes. ;)

25. With braces?
Braces are cute.

26. Shy type?
No, please. Cause I will end up being shy too. =(

27. Rebel or good boy/girl?
Oh, just being a little badass doesn't hurt, right?

28. Active or passive?

29. Tight or bomb?
Somewhere in between??

30. Singer or dancer?

31. Stunner?
It doesn’t hurt.

32. Hiphop?
Not too much, please.

33. Earrings?
Like I said, one on each side of his ear with black studs. ;)

34. Mr/Ms. count-my-exs-until-you-drop?
Oh no way in hell am I going to date those kind of guys. Sheesh.

35. Dimples?
It will just end up annoying me because I don’t have any. =\

36. Bookworm?
That, I like. It’s already hard enough to find guys who read. O_O

37. Mr/Ms. love letter?
Giving me letters is risky (Privacy!) but I’d probably love it more.

38. Playful?

39. Flirt?
Only a flirt to me, not to other girls. Or else, he’s out.

40. Poem writer?
I would so love him much more if he IS a poem writer. We can even exchange our poems. ^^

41. Small?
Nope, I like it big. Er, what???

42. Campus crush?
Aww…. Well, depends.

43. Painter?
That’d be cute. ^^

44. Religious?
I’m okay with it but maybe in between.

45. Someone who likes to tease people?
Tease the guys, not the girls. (Wow, I sound like a jealous girlfriend. Lol)

46. Computer games geek?
I’d rather have them anytime because I love playing video games too.

47. Speaks 20 languages?
If that’s the case, I would want him to teach me. =P

48. Loyal or faithful?
Faithful. Read it somewhere that faithfulness if forever. =\

49. Good kisser?
This is not supposed to be a question. =P

50. Loves children?
Yes. Loves and KNOWS how to take care of children. That’s better. Oh and CATS! Please! =D

I wonder where number 9 went to. Lol. XD

Stolen from: 000095


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